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"I al-almost gave up" he whispered while a tear slide down his cheek

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"I al-almost gave up" he whispered while a tear slide down his cheek. Taehyung wiped it "I'm glad you didn't. I'm glad you fought like I knew you would."

"I-i'm s-s-sorry i-i did-didnt-" it was like deja vu to Taehyung he remembers when Jimin broke the picture frame and how he tried apologising for it "Jimin it's okay deep breaths" Jimin gave Taehyung a week smile also remembering when he broke the picture frame. "I lo-love you so mu-much tae"

"I love you too baby"


"Are you ready?" Jimin gave a nod as a response a wide smile on his face. Seokjin and Namjoon were coming for him and Taehyung soon and they were ready. Taehyung was ready to be back home with his boyfriend and brother. He was ready to ask him a big question.

"Ar-are you ok-okay tae-taehyung" Taehyung snapped out of his trance and nod his head. Jimin pouted not believing him "I'm fine Minnie, I'm just ready to go home with you" Jimin smiled a gave him a peck on the cheek before grabbing his cruches and standing up.  Taehyung helped Jimin get out of the hospital room and hospital itself with breaks in between. Soon enough they made it to the car Jimin having some trouble getting in Jins truck but made it in soon enough. 

"My house or yours" Taehyung asked turning towards Jimin "yours" he whispered while grabbing his hand holding on tightly. He was scared and his grip would tighten everytime they hit a speed bump or stopped at a red light. Taehyung noticed it but he didn't say anything he just held on tightly as well. I got you he thought to himself I'll protect you. It was a promise that he was going to keep.

They arrived at Taehyungs house quickly Seokjin helping Jimin out of the car. "Thank you hy-hyung"

"You can stay if you want hyung" Taehyung said while getting jimins cruches. Seokjin replied with a small 'sure' and helped Jimin get his balance. Taehyung let Seokjin walk ahead and helped Jimin get inside the house "th-thanks" he said quietly.  Namjoon greeted Seokjin with a kiss on his forehead. Seokjin himself hasn't been doing well since the accident but Taehyung and Namjoon were there for him. "My room or here"

"He-here, I need a b-b-break" Jimin sat on the couch well more like threw himself on his couch. Jimin looked sad, he looked as if didn't want to be there anymore it just made Taehyung sad. "Anyone hungry I got some food while y'all were gone" Namjoon said coming from the kitchen. "Do you ha-have an-anything to drink" Jimin asked quietly

"We have some fruit punch and water" Jimin began to get up from the couch Taehyung quickly helped him and grabbed his cruches. "I ca-can do it" Jimin said grabbing the cruches from Taehyung walking to the kitchen. Taehyung just sighed while rubbing his head taking the spot Jimin was once in he knew how Jimin felt, he himself went through it for about two weeks.


"Jimin-ah come cuddle with me" Taehyung whined pulling on jimins shirt.  Jimin felt guilty for snapping at Taehyung they way he did, it's just that he didn't liked being babied all the time. He was fully capable of doing it himself and he knew that they just wanted him to be okay "baby what's up"

"It's no-nothing" he smiled a fake smile.

"Bullshit. What's up love" Jimin just sat next to Taehyung "I'm tired, i-i do-don't want to be ba-babied all the ti-time, my ar-arms an-and legs h-hurt" Jimin felt as if the list could go on and in all honesty the list probably could go on. "I'm gonna baby you either way and I'll massage your arms and legs if you want me to, just lay with me for right now" Jimin finally decided to lay with Taehyung.

He laid his head on Taehyungs shoulder and threw one of his legs over Taehyung. Said boy wrapped one arm around jimins waist and the other one was occupied playing with Jimins hair. "I lo-love yo-you so much T-taehyung"

"I love you more"


Jimin woke up feeling better than the night before. He felt a bit happier than the night before and he was loving it. Maybe it was because he was back in Taehyungs arms again or just back home or his second home really. He loved that place as much as he loved his home with Seokjin. "Morning baby" Taehyungs deep raspy voice interrupted his thoughts. Jimin smiled he started to think about how nice it would to be to just always wake up to that voice.  "Mor-morning T-tae", Taehyung smiled jimins raspy voice was something he would love to wake up to, his stutter was something that made him smile without him noticing it.

Taehyung was whipped for Jimin.

Jimin was whipped for Taehyung.

There was no denying it they both loved each other so much and they thought that nothing could stand in their way. Taehyung couldn't wait for their future together...he wanted a future with Jimin and he was hoping to get one with him one step at a time.
"You're so tiny I just want to wrap you up and never let you go" (a/n believe it or not I was actually told this) Taehyung said while pinching Jimins cheeks. "Your br-breath smells" Jimin whispered letting out a small chuckle. "So does yours but I haven't said anything" Jimin just faked pouted and sat up so he could actually brush his teeth Taehyung decided to do the same.

While Jimin and Taehyung were brushing their teeth Taehyung decided it'd be a good time to ask his important question.

"Jimin do you-would you-"

"Guys the food is ready"

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