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The next morning hoseok woke up to yoongis small snoring. He smiled hearing him my smarty pants boyfriend he thought to himself. He lightly kissed his lips, turning the tv back on he put on his show and laid back down holding yoongi close.

Yoongi unconsciously snuggled closer to Hoseok. The aforementioned smiled and started running his fingers through his hair. Hearing small whines hoseok knew that yoongi was about to wake up.

He rubbed his back to help him wake up. Yoongi let out another whine na threw his arm over hoseoks. "Okay wake up baby," he said rubbing back and head softly.

Yoongi only shook his head and whinnied, hoseok chuckled. "Okay baby boy, up," hoseok said patting his butt.

"But i don't want to~~" Yoongi whinnied into hoseoks chest. "But you're off today~~and we have dates all day," hoseok said happily.

"What's first on the list," Yoongi asked looking up and hoseok a bit.

"Staying in bed and watching tv, after we brush our teeth."

Hoseok got up and walked in the bathroom, yoongi following behind. They both started brushing their teeth at one point hoseok wiped the toothpaste on yoongi's cheek.

"Eww Seokie...that gross," he said wiping his cheek with the towel. Hoseok giggled and pecked his cheek, getting more toothpaste on his cheek.

"Seokie stop~~" he whinnied.

Hoseok laughed and finished brushing his teeth. He waited for Yoongi to finish before they both left. Walking back to bed yoongi threw himself on it and groaned contently.

"You lazy bum," hoseok said also throwing himself on the bed. Yoongi giggled and nodded at him, he sat up a bit and stroked hoseok hair.  "You gonna wear your glasses for me," Yoongi asked, hoseok shook his head.

"I look weird with my glasses," hoseok said "well i think you look sexy," yoongi said shaking his head a with a pout. Hoseok smirked and sat up to kiss yoongi, the aforementioned smiled in the kiss. When they broke apart yoongi hid his face in the nape of hoseoks neck.


Time skip

Around lunch is when both boys finally left the house, now they were hand in hand walking down the street. They were stopping at a cafe to get something to eat before continuing their date.

"You know what you want right," hoseok asked, yoongi nodded and told him to get their usual. Hoseok nodded and ordered their food, after paying they both made their way to a booth. They sat side by side, Yoongi laid his head on hoseoks shoulder.

"So i was thinking that we'd get jimin and taehyung those watches we saw awhile back," hoseok said. Yoongi shrugged. Maybe it was a good idea, they've been together for awhile and they have a kid (with two more on the way).

"Um maybe," he said.

After their number got called hoseok got up to go get their food. Yoongi just waited in silence for Hoseok to come back.

"Ucle hobi," Yoongi heard, he looked back and saw Taehyung holding dongmin. Hoseok was smiling at him and playing with his hands, yoongi stood up to go greet them.

"Where's jimin," he asked sneaking up on both of them causing Taehyung to jump. "Holy shi--he's home, he wanted a muffin and so i came here to get him one," he said adjusting dongmin who just got bored.

"Also getting Dongmin a donut," he continued, dongmin happily nodded to what he said.

"Daddy's tummy is really big now," he explained as made hand movements to exaggerate how big his stomach really was. "Said he didn't want people to stare at him...papa and daddy started to yell--"

"Hey you weren't supposed to say that," taehyung interrupted trying to avoid the topic. Yoongi gave him a look of concern, taehyung looked sad.

"Order 23," the lady called, Taehyung broke away from everyone and went to get their bag. Sighing he walked back to them "we should get going," Taehyung said trying to adjust dongmin.

"Enjoy your date day or whatever you guys are calling it," Taehyung said leaving the cafe. He walked towards his car and sighed "why couldn't you walk," taehyung asked dongmin.

"Cause papa is sad," he answered, taehyung shook his head and put him in the car and buckled him up. "Im not sad flower," he said getting in the car.

"Yes you are."

Getting back home Taehyung walked in behind dongmin. Jimin was sitting on the couch with a tearstained face, taehyung sent dongmin off to go play and walked to jimin.

"Baby what's wrong," taehyung asked rubbing his back. Jimin shook his head and wiped his face "it's ju-just you do so mu-much fo-for me and I've be-been really mean to you lately and i lo-love you so mu-much~~" he cried in to Taehyungs chest. The aforementioned smiled and kissed his head, "i love you too."

"And you haven't been mean to me, i just understand that you're tired," Taehyung said trying to comfort him.

"Bu-but i can-canceled walking th-the st-stage cau--"

"It's okay baby," taehyung whispered, jimin sniffled and nodded his head. Taehyung leaned forward and grabbed the bag that had Jimins muffin. The aforementioned smiled and grabbed the muffin from jimin.

"Thank you," he said letting a few tears escape and Taehyung was there to kiss they away. "As beautiful as you look, no more tears cause then I'll be sad and if im sad Dongmins sad and then we're all gonna be a mess."

"Hyung stop," jimin giggled out. Taehyung sighed "how many times have i told you...don't call me Hyung," he said as he started to tickle jimin.

Dongmin walked in the room and jumped on taehyung. "Papa you forgob my donuts," he whinnied.

"I didn't forgeb anything, its right here." He pulled away from jimin and handed him the bag. Dongmin smiled widely and looked through the bag.

"You di-didn't get any-anything," jimin asked, Taehyung shook his head. "I took some from dongmins bag," he whispered.

Jimin giggled and nodded his head. Taehyung looked back and saw dongmin still eating his donut holes.

Time Skip

Dongmin was on the floor in the kitchen coloring and taehyung was cooking diner. Jimin was sitting on the couch eating chips. Taehyung sighed, he had too much to do and to many things turned on (a/n don't).

"Dongmin can you go play in the living room," taehyung said, Dongmin made a noise then heard his foot step descend.

Turning down the stove he began to get everything ready. Jimin walked in the kitchen and towards Taehyung. "Do you need any help baby?"

"Just a bit yeah," taehyung whispered. "Can you stir that pot for a bit," he asked as he went back to making the pork chops( a/n i was cooking that when i wrote this).

Time skip 

After diner the three boys were in the living room watching dongmin play his game. "Hey flower," taehyung called out, dongmin hummed--to busy to turn around.

"Me and daddy wanted to know what baby you want...boy or girl," he asked.

"I want sishters, cause i want to be their superhero," dongmin said finally looking away. Taehyung smiled "i thought you said girls are stinky," he said leaning up to pick up dongmin.

"Not my sishters, my sishters are gonna be the coolest."

"So i wa-was thinking, while th-the boys move ev-everything in to the new apartment we go ge-get hai-hair cuts."

"But i like my hair this lon--"

"Yo-you don't even like to br-brush it."

Taehyung pouted and threw his head back. Jimin giggled and ran his fingers though Taehyungs tangled hair.

"Fine a small trim though."

"Okay deal."

Taehyung smiled and licked his cheek.

"Ew that's gross!"

A/N i want a boyfriend :(

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