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Jimin began to help Dongmin get in the tub, he made sure the water was a good temperature for him. "Daddy i feel icky," dongmin cried out, jimin softly shushed him, he scrubbed his body softly and allowed him to rest his head back.

Once they finished the back Jimin took him to his room to get him dress. "Want onesie," dongmin said, jimin nodded and retrieved a brown bear themed onesie. After he put him in it he picked him up and carried him to the living room. He laid him on the couch and sat on the floor next to him. He started to caress his face softly to put him to sleep. "Daddy," dongmin said quietly, jimin looked up and hummed "i really tired," he continued.

"Then sleep baby I'll be right here." dongmin slowly nodded then drifted to sleep.

When Taehyung walked in he saw Jimin asleep, his head on dongmins stomach, and dongmin asleep on the couch, his hand on Jimins head. Taehyung took a quick picture and cooed at it. Putting it away he walked up to the two and woke up Jimin.

"Sit up here," Taehyung said, Jimin slowly woke up and stood, with the help of Taehyung of course. He smiled seeing how large jimins bump was getting the frowned when he saw Dongmin. "He's adorable but i hate that he's sick," Taehyung said. Jimin nodded agreeing, he sighed sadly and went to rub his forehead. He frowned when he felt it was hot. "I think my mom made a soup recipe--hold on," Taehyung said standing up and running to the back of the apartment.

Jimin was confused but continued to watch dongmin. He sighed as he started to wake up, "daddy, where's papa," he said quietly, his voice was rough and he had a painful expression. Jimin assumed that it was because of the sore throat. "H-he's looking for something flower," jimin responded. Dongmin sadly nodded and went to sit on Jimins lap.

"Soosoo and Jae," he asked, jimin just shrugged he didn't see them at all that morning. Dongmin nodded and laid his head on Jimins chest. Taehyung walked in with a paper in his hand, he smiled to himself seeing his moms handwriting.

"Okay I'll ask soo and jae to get some ingredients for this and then I'll make flower some soup," Taehyung said, still not looking up from the paper. But once he did he smiled at the sight of dongmin and Jimin. "Hey flower, you still feeling sick," taehyung asked sitting next to him, he shook his head and went to hug him.

"Aw my baby is sick," he said fixing him on his lap, dongmin sniffled and held on to Taehyung tightly. "Hurts papa," dongmin said pointing at his throat. Taehyung nodded and rubbed his back "you want some honey and tea," Taehyung asked, dongmin shrugged at the suggestion. Taehyung offered a small smiled and nodded "It should help with your throat flower," he said. Dongmin just nodded, taehyung smiled a little and got up to start making the tea.

Jimin smiled at the two and followed behind them, he took a seat on one of the chair and watch both boys talk. When dongmin began coughing he turned him away from the pot and patted his back. Dongmin began to cry from his sore throat. Taehyung softly bounced him up and down to help he calm down, he once again fell asleep on Taehyung shoulder.

Jimin frowned, he really hated seeing him sick, he stood up and took him from Taehyung. "My poor baby," taehyung said planting a kiss on his head.

"He's g-gonna be ok-okay," jimin said.

"I know but a sad dongmin is a sad Taehyung," he said rubbing his hand some more. Jimin giggled and puckered his lips asking for a kiss, taehyung smiled as he bent down to kiss him. When they pulled away jimin turned around and went to go lay dongmin on the couch. After covering him back up he walked back to the kitchen.

He once again took a seat and started to rub his stomach, he watched taehyung make the tea and smiled at the sight of him. Jimin heard the door open but just assumed it was Jaeho and Jinsoo coming back from the store, he was proven right when both walked in the kitchen. Both boys took a seat next to Jimin after setting the bags down.

"He's cute but i hate that he's sick," jinsoo said looking back in the living room, jimin nodded agreeing with him. "I finished the tea," Taehyung said, he walked to one of the cabinets to grab Dongmins cup.

"Should we wake him up, he's slept a lot today," taehyung said dropping ice in the cup.

Jimin hesitated but nodded at him. Taehyung walked in the room and saw dongmin under the covers shaking, he sighed as he removed the blanket it from him.

He frowned when he saw the tears going down his face. He picked him up and rubbed his back, "what's wrong flower," he asked.

"Hurts, but don't want chu seeing me cwy," he said rubbing his eyes. "Aw baby," taehyung said rubbing his head.

Dongmin cried a bit more and hugged him tightly. "Wan daddy," dongmin said quietly, taehyung nodded and took him in the kitchen. Once he (dongmin) saw Jimin he made grabby hands towards him.

Jimin grabbed him and rubbed his head. Dongmin just cried in his shoulder, "yo-you wan-want your tea flower," he asked, he felt dongmin nod against his shoulder, Taehyung handed Jimin Dongmins cup after making sure the top was on right.

Jimin handed him (dongmin) the cup then stood up to place him on his hip. Dongmin held on tightly to Jimin as he sniffled, Jimin continued to rub his back to calm him down. "Daddy can we lay on the couch," dongmin asked quietly, jimin nodded and walked them over to the couch.

After getting situated, jimin wrapped the blanket around both of them and started Dongmins favorite movie. He laid against Jimin and let out a deep sigh, his nose felt stuff so his breaths were heavy. During Dongmins favorite song, make a man out of you, was playing he giggled and sang along to the song. He had a coughing fit right after but to him it was worth it.

You can tell dongmin was feeling better mentally, physically you can tell that he's sick. He happily watched the movie and cuddled the blanket. "Mushu is my favorite daddy, who's yours," dongmin said bitting on his finger a bit.

"Um i th-think my fa-favorite is Chien-Po," Jimin said with a smile. "Oh i like him too he's really nice and sweet....oh and fat....

.....Like daddy."


"I meant it in a good way, i love you lots daddy." 

Jimin nodded and giggled, he kissed his cheeks. "I really love you lots with all~~~~ of my heart," Dongmin said pecking his face all over.

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