E I G H T Y- F I V E

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Taehyung ran off the bed to go get Dongmin juice. Dongmin giggled and walked over to Jimin and sat on his lap.

Jinsoo reached over and rubbed his head, jaeho smiled and winked at Dongmin at him. Taehyung came back and handed dongmin his cup.

"I love you," jaeho said to jinsoo, jimin smiled when he heard him say it back. Taehyung pecked jimins lips then started to play with dongmin.

"You're off today," Taehyung asked, Jaeho nodded, dongmin giggled at them. "I got some sketches, if you want to see them later," Taehyung said.

Once again Jaeho nodded, jinsoo kissed his chin and smiled. Jimin started to rub his stomach picking up his shirt a little.

"You're showing a bit," jinsoo said pointing at Jimins stomach, Taehyung quickly looked up and saw that Jimins stomach was indeed getting a bit bigger.

"Oh shi-"


"Sorry," taehyung said, jimin giggled and rubbed his head. Dongmin moved out of the way and walked over to jinsoo and jaeho. He sat between them, sitting criss cross apple sauce.

Jaeho smiled and rubbed his head "papa can i play with my switch," dongmin asked, taehyung looked away from jimin and nodded.

Taehyung left the room and returned quickly to hand dongmin his game.

"Wanna play," dongmin asked looking up at jinsoo, the aforementioned smiled and nodded his head.

Dongmin handed him his controller so they can play. Jimin watched and smiled at the, then back at Taehyung. "I love yo-you," he whispered to him, Taehyung smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you more," Taehyung said kissing him again. Jimin smiled and kissed him again.

"Wait wait wait- min stop- Jae," they heard jinsoo yell, both boys looked over and started to laugh, they assumed dongmin was winning while jaeho was covering jinsoo eyes.

Dongmin threw his hands um in victory and cheered for himself. "Hey flower can we put it on the big tv," Taehyung asked, dongmin nodded and allowed him to connect everything.

Soon enough everyone was watching jaeho and dongmin play the game. Everyone laughed as Jaeho took dongmins controller away so he could win.

"Jaeho if you don't give my child back his controller-" Taehyung said but stopped when jaeho handed dongmin his controller back. Hearing a knock Taehyung stood up and walked to the front door. Opening it he saw jungkook standing there with yugyeom. Taehyung allowed them in and told them they were all in their room.

Taehyung stayed behind to get jimin something to eat since he woke up later than him and Dongmin.

Walking back in the room he saw yugyeom between jungkooks legs on the floor. Jaeho, jinsoo and Dongmin on one side of the bed, dongmin now on Jaeho's lap and Jimin on one side rubbing his stomach.

Taehyung gave him the bowl of fruits and took a seat next to him. "They're having fu-fun," jimin whispered, Taehyung nodded and kissed Jimin.

Time skip

"Whats papa doin," dongmin asked going up to Jimin, who was sitting on the couch in front of Taehyung. "He's getting a tattoo," Jaeho said as he cleaned the needle.

Dongmin nodded his head then whispered to Jimin "whats a tattoo," jimin laughed and showed him the one he had on his ankle(it was there right?). Dongmin just nodded and touched it.

"Will it hu-hurt him," dongmin asked, jimin just shook his head. "Onl-only a little flower."

"Can i watch mulan," dongmin asked cutely, jimin nodded and handed him his phone. "Thank you daddy," dongmin said cuddling up jimins side.

" 'M gonna start now," jaeho said before turning on the needle, dongmin flinched at the sudden noise and held on to Jimins hand. The aforementioned just watched Jaeho working on the tattoo.

Jinsoo was doing the same thing, he was just amazed on how Jaeho enters a different mind set when does his tattoos.

Jinsoo smiled and stood up, he pecked Jaehos cheek then went to the kitchen. Jimin smiled at the two of them, he knew about what happened to him in the past. Seeing him this happy made jimin feel proud.

"Daddy, papa is bleeding! Papas hurt daddy," dongmin cried out accidentally hitting jimin in the face. Jaeho stopped once he heard dongmin crying. Taehyung stood up and picked up dongmin from his spot.

He saw jimin with watery eyes and holding his nose. "Im okay flower, its just a little bit of blood baby," Taehyung said trying to calm him down. Dongmin shook his head and clinged on to Taehyungs shirt.

Taehyung sighed and rubbed his back, he took a seat on the chair he was once in and told Jaeho to continue. "It's almost done anyways," jaeho said.

Jaeho started again, dongmin just kept a tight grip on Taehyungs shirt.

After Jaeho finished off, he cleaned it off the tattoo. Dongmin looked down at Taehyungs arm and sat the new tattoo. "Can i touch it papa," dongmin asked as he sniffled.

Taehyung nodded and allowed him to run his finger across it. "I want one," dongmin said. Taehyung just shook his head.

"I have some of those fake ones...i could do one of those on him," Jaeho said taking out the fake tattoos he had. Taehyung looked over at Jimin for approval, jimin nodded and told Jaeho to go ahead.

"Okay mini min, which one do you want and where," Jaeho asked, dongmin pointed at one with a rose then pointed at his stomach. Jaeho laughed and went to the kitchen to get a wet rag.

"Papa, will it hurt," dongmin asked looking up at Taehyung.

"No baby, just might be cold," Taehyung said. Dongmin just nodded and took a deep breath when he saw jaeho came back.

"Alright love can you pick up your shirt," jaeho said, Dongmin looked up at Taehyung and picked up his shirt. "Wait papa im scared," Taehyung laughed and rubbed his arms.

"If jae hurts you I'll hurt him okay."

And with that jaeho removed the wrap and placed it on his stomach. "Ooh daddy its cold," Dongmin squealed. Jimin laughed at his reaction "okay and done."

Dongmin looked down and smiled "tank you," he said shyly. Jaeho smile and gave him a high five. Taehyung placed dongmin back on the floor. Taehyung stood up and pulled out his wallet jaeho stopped him. "Don't worry bout it," jaeho said.

Taehyung nodded and put his wallet back in his pocket and nodded. "Daddy look how cool," dongmin said bragging about his knew "tattoo"  jimin just nodded along to what he was saying.

Jinsoo walked to Jaeho and kissed his cheek. "Cutie," jinsoo said causing him to blush. "Mm i could say the same to you."

"Get a room," Taehyung yelled.

Jaeho smirked and picked up jinsoo running in to their office.

"Jae i was kidding!!"

A/N i want death :)))).

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