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When the boys walked in the house jimin practically dragged Taehyung to his room

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When the boys walked in the house jimin practically dragged Taehyung to his room. Once there jimin slammed his door making sure Seokjin heard it if he was there. "Jimin are you okay there bub" jimin didn't say anything he just sat next to Taehyung. Slamming the door was unnecessary he will admit that but he was mad and he just wanted Jin to know that. "It's rude to ignore people you know, but I get it if your mad at your brother jimin but don't take it out on the door poor thing didn't do anything to you" that was the thing jimin liked about Taehyung he always tried to make the situation better. Taehyung was always happy Taehyung always smiled and jimin liked it. "I-im f-fine d-d-don't worry" he said after a while of silence he didn't want to talk he wanted to sleep but he didn't at the same time. "You're not fine but I'll pretend to believe you jimin."

"Hey can you not slam doors Seokjin has a headache." Namjoon said standing at Jimins door both Taehyung and Jimin were shocked to see him there. Great something else for me to be mad about jimin thought to himself. "Hyung what are you doing here, I thought you were with that date. Was Seokjin your date?" Taehyung asked he wasn't mad but he wasn't happy. His hyung lied to him or maybe he didn't he remembered him saying it was a date with a female. He didn't have a problem with his brother liking males he just had a problem with liars. Taehyung knew jimin was even more mad "hey min you want to go get some coffee or something and hyung I'm going to borrow the car" it was now Taehyung turn to drag jimin. "I know you're mad but let's just-" he was interrupted by a sniffle "don't cry min let's just forget about it okay" jimin nodded his head but he wasn't done crying. "So what do you want coffee, cheesecake, muffins!" Taehyung shouted the word "muffins" but he didn't get a response from jimin. "You want to go for a ride instead" jimin nodded his head he didn't want anything but to just to clear his head. So Taehyung drove off going no where exactly he wanted jimin to be happy he wanted him to stop crying because seeing jimin cry sucked. "I-im s-sorry tae I k-know its-"
"It's nothing jimin I know you aren't happy and I know you're mad right now you don't have to apologise for having feelings okay?" Jimin sniffled some more he has a bad habit of crying when he is mad a bad habit. He never responded to tae he just stayed quiet. That's what he wanted was silence he didnt want coffee or muffins he wanted silence and Taehyung- wait he wanted Taehyung. Was it weird that he wanted taehyung no right. Is it weird for Jimin to want another guy? He didn't know and he didn't want to find out I'll just asked Yoongi on Tuesday he thought to himself.


Three hours later and jimin asked Taehyung to drive him back home. He was going to have to talk to Seokjin sooner or later. "Do you want me to go in with you" Taehyung asked he didn't want to leave jimin by himself Taehyung wanted to be there if he cried or if he laughed or whatever he just wanted to be with jimin. "C-can um can y-you s-spend the n-n-night" Taehyung smiled at this "it'd be an honor" he said with a smile jimin responded with a smile back and got out of the car Taehyung following behind. "Y-you g-g-got t-this j-jimin" he said quietly to himself well not to quiet because Taehyung heard him. "Park Jimin where did you go? Do you know how worried I was? What if something happened to you" jimin was attacked with questions as soon as he walked in the house. "H-he's s-still here?" Was all he said directing it to namjoon who was sitting on the couch not saying a thing jimin didn't hate namjoon he was just mad at him "easy jimin that's still my brother" Taehyung whispered in to his ear jimin didn't mean to sound rude but like I said he was mad. "I-i should b-be a-a-asking you the s-same you k-k-know why? You d-d-didn't a-a-answer my text l-l-last night. I thought s-something h-h-h-happened to you but nope you just i-i-ignored me and was with him t-t-t-thanks hyung" Taehyung started rubbing his shoulder trying to calm him down unfortunately it wasn't working as much as he would like it to. "A-and w-why are y-you s-s-s-still here!" Once again directed to namjoon. Namjoon didn't say anything not a single thing he knew jimin was mad so he didn't interfere with it. "Jimin stop being so rude, why are you being like this huh it was one time- it's tiring you know I just wanted a break okay! I just want a break from you!" Jin covered his mouth as soon as the words left his mouth it was silent no one said anything Jin didn't mean what he said he as well was just angry. "I-if you w-want a b-b-break so badly t-then j-just l-leave l-l-like e-everyone else!" Jimin was more than hurt by his brothers words. He ran to his room Taehyung once again following behind he wasn't going to leave jimin by himself.  Luckily he made it before jimin slammed the door in his face Taehyung didn't say anything he knew jimin needed time to get him self together so he just stood there waiting for jimin to steady his breath. His breathing didn't steady so Taehyung went up to him and pulled him in to his arms and hugged him like there was no tomorrow. They stayed like that for awhile and Taehyung finally decided to say something when jimin started to sniffle "are feeling any better or your tear machine ran out of water so I can get you a water bottle" jimin giggled at Taehyungs joke "t-tear m-machine" jimin mumbled he buried his face in to Taehyungs chest he felt safe so he didn't want to leave. "Dang well I'll go get you a water bottl-"
"No! I'm okay I swear" jimin yelled hugging Taehyung tighter. Taehyung smiled at Jimins response and thought one thing jimin didn't stutter.

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