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Giving another chapter since Jintro dropped.
Everyone say thank you jin.  

The next day Taehyung thought it would be a good idea to take yeontan on a walk with Jimin. "Wh-what in th-the world made yo-you decided to take a walk on the hottest da-day ever" jimin said while he put on his shoes, and grabbing yeontans leash. "Can we do cute couple stuff, please min" Taehyung got on his knees and begged causing Jimin to giggle "ye-yes you big ba-baby." Taehyung jumped up and went to put on his shoes.

"Come on tannie, lets go get you a new toy yeah?" Taehyung said to the dog while petting him softly. "Al-already with th-the nicknames" jimin said get on Taehyungs level so he can also pet the dog.

"Yes I mean look at him, such a small baby ahh" he squealed and picked up the dog. "Let's go" he said while grabbing jimins hand. 

The couple made it to the park with a jumping yeontan in the backseat. "I'm getting tannie a car seat" Taehyung mumble while trying to put on his leash. Jimin just sighed and rolled his eyes, it didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung though. Taehyung smirked and finishing everything for yeontan, jimin walked over to Taehyung with his arms crossed and a pout on his face. When taehyung saw his pout he chuckled and pecked his lips.

"He's just a pup min, don't get jealous on me now." Jimin rolled his eyes and put his head on Taehyungs shoulder.

With his arms still crossed, they walked around the park and yeontan was jumping around with trying to go everywhere.

"Im thirsty and i gotta go Minnie" Jimin sighed and he began looking for a store or something to go to. Taehyung pointed towards a small corner store, they started walking towards the store.

A sign said no dogs allowed and Taehyung didn't want to leave yeontan by himself outside. "I-i'll stay wi-with tannie" Jimin said with a smile and Taehyung gave him a peck on the cheek then walked inside the store. Jimin squat down next to yeontan, and started petting him.

Jimin noticed his shoe was getting untied so he had carefully put yeontans leash underneath his shoe. Not a smart idea cause he got away from jimin and started running away. "T-taehyung is go-gonna kill me," Jimin mumbled running his fingers through his hair.

"Jimin...where's the dog" speaking of the devil jimin thought when he heard Taehyung.

"H-he g-got away i-i'm s-s-sorry" jimin said playing with his fingers nervously. Taehyung put his hands on Jimins shoulders and started to rub them "hey shh its okay baby, let's go look for him."

Jimin nodded his head and started walking towards where yeontan ran off. "Lets split up, i'll call you if i find him,"  Taehyung said then gave Jimin a peck on the cheek.

After the two split up Jimin walked towards a park so Jimin assumed that a little kid picked him up or something. He continued to walk around until he noticed the familiar brownish hair.

"T-tannie!" Jimin yelled and started to run towards the dog. Jimin was almost to him when he tripped on a rock but before he hit the ground someone caught him.

"I knew that stutter sounded familiar" jimin looked up and was face to face with jinsoo. Quickly he got out of his grip and stood up straight. Suddenly yeontan walked up to jinsoo and the aforementioned picked him up. "This your pup," he asked Jimin who gave a quick nod. "Here you go" jinsoo said then handed him the dog. "Th-thank yo-you" jimin said and pulled out his phone to call Taehyung.

"I f-found him"

"Th-the park we h-had stopped by"

"Ok-okay, i lo-love you to-too" Jimin said the last part quietly afraid he might upset jinsoo.  The aforementioned noticed and gave him a reassuring smile "no need to be afraid, i don't mind" he trailed off trying to get his name.  "O-oh its Jimin, Pa-park Jimin," he said with a smile. "Kim Jinsoo, but you al-"

"Get away from him jinsoo," taehyung said running up to the pair. Jinsoo sighed and rubbed his forehead, "i was just trying to start a conversation and apologize" jinsoo said with his hands up.

"I fo-forgive yo-you jinsoo," jimin spoke up and stuck out his hand for jinsoo to shake. "I'll be on my way now, goodbye Park, goodbye Taehyung" jinsoo said then walked the other way. Taehyung sighed and grabbed Jimins hand and walked back to their car. Taehyung wasn't in a good mood after the little interaction. Jimin was following behind with his head down and yeontan in his arms. The ride back home was short and quiet, jimin held yeontan close and pet him.

When they both got home Taehyung slammed the door of their bedroom shut. Jimin just sighed and put yeontan down and made his way the their bed room. Jimin had made his way to the bed and laid on top of Taehyung while wrapping his legs around him. "My koala huh," Taehyung mumbled while running his fingers through his hair, Jimin nodded his head and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

"You want to talk about everything baby," taehyung asked but once he didn't hear an answer he looked and saw Jimin asleep. "I guess after your nap," he mumbled to himself.

Beep beep

I really wanted to apologize
to you too.
Im sorry i really am.
I was being immature and i should've been there for you but i wasn't.
Im so sorry

It's okay
I think i can forgive you.

Honestly jintro won everything the song was a masterpieces and i cried. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

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