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Everyone was still in the waiting room waiting for anything. Dongmin was now on yoongi's lap as they watched mulan. Dongmin was extremely bored and wanted nothing more than to just see his parents. It was quiet around the waiting area, they were just nervous.

When seokjin walked in everyone, with the exception of yoongi, stood up. "What's wrong," hoseok asked noticing his uneasy face. Seokjin shook his head "Taehyung is just a bit shook up, he just wants to see Dongmin right now," he said pointing at the small boy. Yoongi nodded and helped dongmin off his lap.

Even though he was scared Dongmin took Seokjins hand and followed him into the unknown hallway. Once they reached the door Seokjin knocked twice before walking in, Dongmins eyes lit up when he saw Taehyung and jimin.

"Hi daddy hi papa," he yelled as he ran to Taehyung. "I missed you lots," he said hugging him tightly. He was gonna go hug Jimin but Taehyung held him back. Dongmin pouted "daddy has a cut so we have to be really careful," taehyung tried his best to explain.

Dongmin nodded, a knock on the door grabbed their attention. After yelling a come in their nurse came in with files, "this is the consent form for their shots, and birth certificate." she said handing them to Jimin who just nodded.


Within an hour everything was filled out, "daddy your tummy went down--'

Just then the nurse rolled in with the twins, Dongmins eyes lit up when he saw them. He contained his excitement as much as he could as the nurse was helping them feed the babies and the simple things. When he (the nurse) left Dongmin squealed, "are those our babies," he asked hoping that they said yes.

Taehyung nodded with a smile as he wanted to cry. Taehyung stood up and sat dongmin on the edge of the bed. He stood up and grabbed hana and walked her to Jimin then went to grab Daeho. "What's their names," dongmin asked.

"Your little brother," Taehyung said looking down at the baby in his arms "is daeho."

"An-and yo-your sister is h-h-hana," Jimin as he held her closely. Dongmin nodded as he peaked to get a better look at Hana, Jimin noticed and tried his best to sit up so Dongmin could see her.

"Daddy is like a mommy now," Dongmin said as he brought his hand up to stroke Hana's cheek. "Do wa-want to ca-call me mommy flower," jimin asked looking up at him, dongmin was hesitant but shook his head

"You can call me mommy if you'd like," jimin said with a smile, taehyung smiled at them. A knock on the door grabbed their attention it was seokjin "can we come in," he asked with a smile taehyung and jimin nodded and soon everyone started to come in.

"Oh wow," jungkook was the first to say something, all three boys looked so happy. "Thi-this is hana," jimin said "and this is daeho," Taehyung finished. Everyone cooed at them "oh my god, this is too much," Yoongi said as he fanned himself.

"Im a big brother now," Dongmin said proudly, everyone smiled at him.

Time Skip

Jungkook and Yugyeom were about to leave when Dongmin started to throw a fit. "I don't wanna leave, wanna stay with papa and daddy," he cried out as he tried to attach on to Taehyungs leg.  "Who's gonna be there with tannie," taehyung said picking him up. Dongmin stopped for a minute, he knew jungkook didn't like him and he wasn't going to just dump it on yugyeom.

"I guess, but i want you to call me when it's time to sleep okay," Dongmin said trying his best to lool stern. Taehyung laughed "yes sir," he said as he dongmin over to jungkook. "Okay i love you flower," jimin said blowing a kiss to Dongmin.

"Bye Bye daddy," he said waving at him. Jungkook smiled and waved goodbye at them "i love you papa," he (dongmin) said as he waved at him. "I love you more baby," Taehyung said.

"You know it's nice knowing he loves them so much already," jimin said reaching out to grab Taehyungs hand. The aforementioned nodded with a smile, he love that he finally had a family of his own. "How are you fe-feeling," Jimin asked, taehyung shrugged jimin knew that if they brought dongmin he'd be able to calm down.

"It was just scary seeing you like that," taehyung said as he rubbed Jimins leg. Jimin nodded he understood him completely. After hearing a knock Seokjin walked in the room.

He had jello and sweet tea for Jimin "here's your stuff," he said placing the stuff down "taehyung are you sure you don't need anything," he continued and Taehyung shook his head.

"Ha-have you gotten a ho-hold of mo-mom or da-dad," jimin asked as he began to eat the jello. "I texted them but i got nothing," seokjin said sadly. Jimin sighed but nodded, taehyung grabbed his hand and kissed it.

"Look hana is waking up," taehyung said as he went to put on hand sanitizer then went to pick her up. Jimins face lit up at the mention of her name. Taehyung walked back to them and sat next to the bed "she looks like you Taehyung," seokjin said with a smile.

"Yeah my little princess," Taehyung said happily. Jimin smiled at him, namjoon walked in the room, he secretly took a picture of Taehyung holding Hana. When Jimin noticed him he smiled and waved him over, namjoon walked over to Taehyung and took a seat. "Can we hold them," namjoon asked.

Taehyung nodded "just wash your hands first," he said then went back to looking at hana. Namjoon walked over to the sink and washed his hands. He walked over to taehyung and took a seat next to him, Taehyung leaned forward and softly placed Hana in his arms.

Then he stood up to grab daeho, "Hyung you want to hold him," Taehyung asked as he turned towards Seokjin, who just shook his head.

"I don't want to drop him."

Taehyung only nodded and took a seat next to namjoon. Jimin gave him a sad look "pl-please hyung," he whispered. Seokjin thought for a minute, then he nodded "fine." Jimin smiled as Taehyung walked over to him and softly put daeho in his hands "oh my god," seokjin whispered.

"He's so cute oh my god, jimin he's so small," Seokjin said quietly with a smile.

"He's another little jimin."

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