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Taehyung walked out of the restroom, he was wearing black slacks and white button up shirt. Jimin smiled and went to go fixed his shirt along with his makeup. "Ca-can't cover your li-lips so le-lets pray you get this okay,"  Taehyung smiled and gave jimin a kiss.

"Thank you, i love you"

"I l-love you to," Jimin smiled and hugged Taehyung whisper a small 'its good luck'.

"Im g-gonna call ko-kookie so yo-you guys ca-can talk," Taehyung sighed but agreed, he just wanted to put it behind him. "Now go b-before you're late, i lo-love you," Taehyung smiled and kissed him.

"'I'll call or leave an email to let you know', what does that even mean its either yes or no," Taehyung said as he walked out of the office, and took a seat at one of the tables. He waited for the line at the cashier to clear up a bit before he ordered something for Jimin and himself.  He sighed and went through his phone for any messages, he looked up when he heard someone clear their throat. He rolled his eyes when he saw jungkook, sighing he pointed to the seat in front of him, they looked at each other with annoyed expression. "Jimin wants us to apologize," jungkook said with a bored tone. Taehyung nodded, he and jungkook both know that they weren't going to apologize first. In Jungkooks defence he was protecting Jimin, maybe he was wrong when he stepped up to taehyung but in his mind he was doing the right thing. "You hit him," Taehyung said, his voice was sharp jungkook frowned when he reminded him. "It's not like i did it on purpose-"

"We're supposed to apologize but i know we both won't say it, so let's just  say we did and move on with our lives," Jungkook nodded his head. "Actually, im sorry maybe i was wrong when i stepped up to you," jungkook said his voice was sad so Taehyung knew that something was wrong. 

"What's up kook?"

"What makes up think-"

"I just know, what's up"

Jungkook slouched back and sighed "lisa broke up with me, last night." Taehyung nodded his head. "She said that im getting in to too many fights so she ended it."

"Well shit im sorry" jungkook shrugged and leaned back on his seat. Taehyung sighed, he felt bad but the situation was awkward, "lets go to my house, you and Jimin can talk about it."  Jungkook nodded his, Taehyung went up and got their muffins then they left back to the apartment.

Jungkook sat on the couch while Taehyung went to get Jimin. "Baby jungoo is here," Taehyung said walking inside of the room. Jimin gave him a confused look, sighing he said "wh-what the h-heck is a j-ju-jungoo" Taehyung shrugged and walked out of the bedroom. Jimin followed him out and saw Jungkook with a sad face, Jimin took a seat next to him and hugged him. Taehyung decided to let them be so he left to his and Jimins room.

A couple of hours later Jimin walked in to his room and saw Taehyung watching netflix on his laptop. "He cr-cried it out for a b-bit" Taehyung rolled his eyes and shrugged. Jimin pressed his lips in to a line, he laid next to Taehyung and put his head on Taehyungs chest. "H-his mom cam-came for him." Taehyung nodded his head Jimin pouted then check to see what he was watching, it was a show on netflix called switched. Jimin nodded his head and watched the show with him. After two more episodes Taehyung turned it off and put on a different show. He cuddled up next to Jimin and kissed his head, "love you." he whispered.

"Love you too." 

Both boys woke up the next day to knocking on the door. Jimin and Taehyung both decided to just ignore them and hope they leave soon. And they did. Both boys fell back to sleep and woke up later that day to more knocking. Jimin went to see who was knocking and wat confused to see Jinsoo. "Oh hello," he said but it came out as a question. "Is Taehyung here."

"In th-the restroom ta-taking a shower."

"Good he won't mind if i take you right"

"Probably will"

"To bad." and with that jinsoo dragged Jimin out of the apartment. When Taehyung came out of the restroom he was confused when he saw the door wide open. He check his phone and saw a text from Jimin.

Minnie mouse 💜💍
Jinsoo took me for a bit
Said he needed someone to talk to

Taehyung didn't know how to feel but he let it go and just hoped that whatever is happening that its a good thing.

Jimin walked inside of the house and took a seat next to Taehyung, who was sitting on the couch. Taehyung grabbed him and pulled him on his lap, jimin smiled and let him hold him like that. "Its boring without you."

"I be-bet it is."

"What did you guy talk about."

"He's going through some stuff at home he just needed t-to talk."

Taehyung nodded his head and kissed Jimin, the aforementioned gladly returned it. Both of them smiled into the kiss, when they stopped Jimin hugged him tightly.


"Yes Taehyung"

"Your breath smells."


A/N this one was boring sorry guys

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