Another New Book Idea... (A/N)

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So I had an idea, as I was driving home and it started raining, and I said to my mum and stepdad as the heavens opened, "I've never driven in rain like this before." And they go on to remind me of stopping distance and whatnot, and it got me thinking: what if I make a book about the sides as teens, and their "coming of age" stuff. Like their first driving lessons, coming to terms with their sexuality, their likes and dislikes, popularity and moving around, their friendships and who they dislike.

I wondered what you guys would think of the idea, and if you react positively, then I may start it.

It's not like I have anything else to do (other than 5 drafts and 3 other books) But I think it would be interesting, and of course if you wanted to see anything in it specifically, then I'd try to incorporate it.

What do you think?

EDIT: I would also need title suggestions

Edit again: It Is Up!

Take care

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