
629 21 22

Tagged by PhanAtTheGleeKTrash

13 facts about me:

1. I'm female

2. I'm graduating high school this year (a year early.)

3. I moved to the US almost 2 years ago.

4. I'm single

5. I listen to the same 5 songs on repeat.

6. It's nearly my birthday...

7. My favourite colours are blue and purple

8. I like to sleep... way too much

9. I take my school work seriously and usually pull A's with a few B's.

10. I have 2 sisters.

11. I wear an oversized hoodie even though it's really hot here.

12. I don't know what I'm doing half of the time.

13. My favourite animals are penguins and unicorns.

Eh... pathetic.

How many people do I tag?
I'm choosing five.


Meh. Sorry

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