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YOU : "So where is the criminal I came here to interrogate ?! 😏"

POLICE : "Inside sitting on chair"

YOU : "What are the charges ?! 😏 "

POLICE : "Smuggling, hidding criminals underground & also illegal fights, he isn't accepting his crime because he is son of famous lawyer KIM NAMJOON & doctor KIM SEOKJIN 😕"

YOU : " wait.. is that.. KIM TAEHYUNG ?! 😱"

POLICE : " Yes .. how do u know ?! 😯"

YOU : " Because he is my boyfriend 😡😠.. i CAN'T believe he lied to me that he left every wrong things. Dont worry i will not let my personal life involve in professional. Give me file.. i will check  "

*You walk to interrogate room, opened the door*

TAEHYUNG : " I was expecting you to stay at my place after sex, you left early 😒 "

YOU : " Shut up you bastard.. You lied to me.. 😡"

TAEHYUNG : " Fiesty..the way you are in bed is same you are with criminals 😂😂, always dominating 😉"

YOU : "Shut up tae, accept your charges or else.. "

TAEHYUNG : "Else what baby ?! You can't live without me, your body will crave mine if I go to jail 😉"

*you stands up angrily & walks towards door, u saw Taehyung smirking, u stopped and turned around to say what exactly will make Taehyung's blood boil with anger*

YOU : "I will find someone else to fill your place 😉"


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