--------------Precious Stone---------

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(( Hello everyone this is a story of a girl who met her lover way before she could even think of it.. I know u r getting curious.. So let's begin..?))

A girl : * playing in the park*

Her father : Jewel?

She : yes papa? .

Her father : I have a chocolate bar for you

She : thank you *smiles*

(( she was about to open it and eat the chocolate bar but she heard someone crying.. She look arround and noticed a boy crying.. She decided to approach him))

She : what's wrong?

That boy : I can't find my grandma..!! She said she will return but she didn't!! I am scared

(( that boy was crying like hell.. That girl felt bad... So she decided to give him her chocolate bar))

She : here and please stop crying.. * gives him her chocolate bar * ur grandma will return  I will give u company till then

That boy : but it's ur...

She: take it... I don't mind  it... Just stop crying and starts to smile.. *smiles*

That boy : * blushes*

She : so what is ur name?

That boy : Tae.

She : Tae? Such a cute name

That boy : u think That?

She : yes....

That boy : will  u be my gf?

She : but I like u as a brother.

(( that broke that boys heart.. Poor boy.... Suddenly a old woman approached them))

Old woman : Tae?

Tae : Halmoeni!! *hugs her* I thought I lost you..

Old woman : I am so sorry.. *notices the girl * who r u miss?

Tae : my future wife ..

She : future wife .?

Tae : yes I promise you I will make you fallen in love with me in future.

She : * smiles * I will be waiting.. Big brother.

(( suddenly her father called her and she said goodbye to Tae and left with him))

Old woman : so what's her name?

Tae : * holding his cheek* her name is...
Her name..

HER NAME!? Was it Jenny or anny?

I forgot to ask her her name.. Shit. 😭😭😭

Old woman : it's OK if you 2 r destine u will meet her again

* after few years later*
((that girl's father was walking in his house on Seoul .. He was on his way to check his daughters who was busy in a painting of her. She might be 14 years old but her talent is flawless ))

Her father : * looks at painting *

She : this is the boy I met few years ago..

Her father : is he someone special..?

She : I don't know it just I don't want to forget him.... Through I am sure I use my creative instead of remembering his actual face... So I name it "Ideal boy"

Her father : why ideal?

She : he was .. Sweet.. Cute. Nice friendly.. Through now I remember I reject him badly..

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