---------a Walk to remember-------

23 0 4

Hyejin pov

(( annio ... My name is ji Hyejin... If u r reading this letter that Mean I am no longer In existence... We human have a short life which why we need to life it to its fullest.. I have a story to share with you... How I spend my last few week before my death and how I found my love at the end of my life... Life sure is unfair... So let's begin.....

It all happened when I started to have terrible headaches so in end I decided to visit my doctor and........))

Doc : you have a brain cancer.. And it's in its last stage.. I am sorry... You don't have much time left...

Me :.... How much do I have?

Doc : 3 months

Me : more then enough for me.. 😄😄😄😄

Doc :.................

(( I just accepted my destiny.... We have 2 be dead sooner or later.. Plus that day I was going to start my journey of being a teacher..I couldn't let my self be sad .))

* at school *

Principal : well its a pleasure to meet you..

Me : it's my pleasure.

(( and so we entered in the classroom))

Sir : students todays we r going to have our new chemistry mam.. Miss Ji please welcome her warmly

Me : Hello students it is a huge pleasure of mine to be here with u all...
I am looking forward to be friends with you all.

((It was a ordinary class room with various students... But then again somehow my eyes were fixed to a particular boy... He was sitting all by me himself... Just like how I used to sit.....he was reading something... A nerd?.

I tried my best to be friends with every students in my class.. Except that boy his name way Jungkook people d.. It alway felt like he is far away from me.. And that's makes me to try more... In end I talked to principal about this and he agreed to my plan))

Me : Jungkook.. Can u stay after class I have something to talk with you?

Jungkook : sure

*after class *

Me : look I don't know about ur past or personal life but what I observed is you r brilliant student but
u r lonely u don't have any one in ur class.

Jungkook : what a ur point say it clearly

Me : you r not alone each and every class have this type of brilliant and after talking with principal we decided to create a club of you all

Jungkook : U want me to be a part of it.

Me: yes atleast give it a try I will be ur club role model just in case u won't feel lonely.

Jungkook : fine.

Me : let's go then.

Jungkook : right now?

Me : yes others r waiting

(( we entered in 3rd floor 's library class where the others 6 boys were waiting for us))

Me : boys we r going to have a new member

Jungkook :Hello.

(( they welcomed him warmly with hugs..as I thought.... They all were his senior...
Noonjon , The captain
Seokjin , the elderest
Hoseok , the cheerful
Jimin , the cutest
Yoongi , the sleepy
Taehyung , the different one

They togather name them BTS

They all r alike... We r alike.. To be honest

They were just like me book lovers...... Study lovers.. It started felt like they finally got accepted by themselves.

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