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Maid : my lady.. Please stop this childishness of urs. It's not good for you.

You : *inside of ur dark room * LEAVE ME ALONE!! I DON'T TRUST ANY! ANY ONE OF YOU!

(( you aren't a spoiled rich brat... You r just mentally broken.. And that's why u decided to break all of your connections with the outside world.. Stay in ur room with no light))

*one-day *

You : I hate you all.... I don't trust anyone

*knock knock *

You :............

(( suddenly you heard of male voice from the opposite))

??? : miss y/n?

You : who r u?

??? : my name is Park Jimin... And I..... Am ur biological father's friend.. I need to talk about something....

Y/n : no.. Please go away..!!

Jimin :............

Y/n :............

(( suddenly.... Ur door started to knock heavily.. In end it broke and a young man came in... But u hadn't seen the light for a year so u don't like the light))

You : *covers Urself from light*please make it stop *faints*

(( when u woke up u faced light which Ofc u r not used to.))

Jimin : you r awake?

((you saw a black hair man))

You :...........

Jimin : I am sorry.. But we need to talk..

You :... No.....

Jimin : stop acting like a five old kid


Jimin : if u asolated ur self then no one will have the idea..

You :............

Jimin : please..

You : what is it?

Jimin : U need to see ur father... He is fighting with his life and wanted to see you....

You :........... Fine.........

(( and so u and jimin went to a journey.. To see ur dad and after 3days later in a abondon island which was ur destination was reached))

Jimin : shall we meet ur father?

You :.........

*ur fathers house *

(( ur father was in bed calling ur name))

You :...... Papa....?

Your dad : y/n?

You :*emotionless*.............. Serve you right...........u deserve it u old-

Jimin : * slaps you *watch ur language..!

You : * leaves the room with a emotionless face *

*later that night *
*in ur room *

Jimin :*at door*y/n? It's times for dinner.


Jimin : y/n look I am  sorry  that I slapped you but trust me ur father doesn't deserves it not at the time of his death.

((you had enough of this so opened ur door to face jimin.. Jimin was shocked to see ur tearful face))

You : You think I am doing this for fun!!!

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