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---------------------------- PART - 2 ------------------------------

(( JIN opened his study room, took off his jacket, walked towards the bar which is inside his study room, made a drink and looked at your ceiling high potrait which he made. His eyes were tired of flooding tears so this time he decided not to cry anymore and cheerish your death because soon he will be there where you are :( ))

(( JIN sat down on his big chair, chair which holds the authority, chair which shows his aura and with that he closed his eyes. He wanted to relive everything before kissing his this life good bye. He wanted to live your memory , with your smile, with the love you both never shared. JIN closed his eyes and the flashback took him to when he was 7 years old, first time he saw you. ))

------------- YOU : 5 | JIN :7 -----------------

MAID : " Mrs. KIM . here is this girl who comes inside our mansion everyday to pick those semraldos "

MRS. KIM : " Come here doll , what is your name ? :) "

YOU : " ..... "

MRS. KIM : " Dont be scared of me , i am not going to hurt you or get mad at you.. "

YOU : " I am sorry :( "

MRS. KIM : " You are so young , where you live ? "

(( With that MRS. KIM pulled you on her lap, she dont have daughter, she only has 2 SONS , 1 is KIM NAMJOON and other 1 is KIM SEOKJIN .. KIM NAMJOON is 6 years old and KIM SEOKJIN is 7 years old. MRS. KIM took care of you so well and said you can come visit her garden anyday but dont forget to take permission before plucking the flowers and you agreed.

You were busy when 2 BOYS came down and both introduced themselves. Both were such handsome boys , one has dimples and other one has broad shoulders. Your way of explaining their handsomeness lol .. MRS. KIM asked you to do breakfast with her but you cant as your father waiting for you back home. Your mother left you when you were 10 days old so you never got that motherly care & because of that you stayed with MRS. KIM for more than necessary ))

(( You waved them good bye and noticed the boy with broad shoulders gave you big smile and asked you to comeback again. You thanked him and walked out and ran towards the park which directly leads to little lane next to your house ))

------------------- 9 AM ---------------------

YOU : " Appaaaaaaaaaa..... "

FATHER : " Aigo my baby , where were you and .. SEMRALDO ?! "

YOU : " Yes and that lady is so good , she didnt scold me at all :) "

FATHER : " Really ? "

YOU : " Yes appa and she said i can visit her any day , can i ? "

FATHER : " Ofcourse but be careful :) "

(( With that you and your father both sat down on chair to do breakfast.. MEANWHILE ))

MRS. KIM : " Jini , you looks so happy , what happened ? "

JIN : " Nothing eomma , i mean who is she ? "

MRS. KIM : " Oh , she is the one who comes everyday to pick our semraldos ha ha "

NAMJOON : " She got caught today. Sad !! "

MRS. KIM : " Do your breakfast joonie.. or .. HEY !! GOOD MORNING HONEY !! "

(( With that MRS. KIM greeted her husband and he sat down to do breakfast. He said kids will go to boarding school in america from next year and the thought of not seeing you again killing JIN , he protested but lets be honest , a 7 years old trying to protest lol. Not gonna happen. JIN and NAMJOON both going to america next year.. ))

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