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DATE : 12 - 10 - 2116 <3

[[ FINALLY !!!! After struggling in your school life , you finally done and now entering in your college life , seoul university .. YEAAAAHHH !!! You so excited to meet new friends , so excited to study your favourite subject PARAPASHYCOLOGY , Its a subject you can open up to another dimension. You are so excited that you forgot to sign up for dorm and as u signed up late , u got dorm which was more bigger than u expected and u living there alone.. PERFECT !!!! ]]

[[ Its NIGHT 10 PM when you finally done with unpacking and started cleaning remaining shelfs and parts of dorm. As your classes going to start from next week onwards , you have enough time to relax and get ready for your class. You also looking for some part time job & luckily there is this torn out cafe where hardly people go, taking students and you got job there :) ]]

[[ Its Night 12 : 01 AM , 13 the OCTOBER .. when you were sleeping as you were so tired that when clock kissed 11:05 PM , you fell asleep. It was 12:01 AM when you heared something , NO SOME BIRTHDAY cheering. Something like " HAPPY BIRTHDAY " <3 . You walked out in main hall and saw NOTHING !!!! You thought your mind playing things on its own so you went back to sleep,. The moment you fell down on bed, you heard it again.. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN <3 " .. you heared it clearly but again you thought you are too tired or u hallucnating so you slept. ]]

[[ It was next day you woke up, got ready and went for the FIRST DAY IN JOB !!! After 10 minutes walk, you reached the cafe and saw it was freaking dark , like some from harry potter movie. You went inside and suddenly a very good looking boy came on light , your breathe was stopped almost.. he introduced himself as "JEON JUNGKOOK" and you shook his hand. You wonder if he is the owner but then you saw an old lady coming out and smiling at you , you excused JUNGKOOK and walked towards her , you introduced yourself to her and she said she is the owner. She asked you to take care of the cafe as she has some work.

It was almost an hour later and its you and jungkook alone in cafe , NO ONE ELSE !!! Jungkook sat down infront of window and watching outside , it was raining and tho its morning 9 AM but it looks no less than night 9 PM. Due to heavy rain and sky full of black clouds. You could see JUNGKOOK watching outside as if he is waiting for someone to come , there is this cake infront of him and its candle dieing slowly slowly .. As no customer is there you decided to talk to him but the moment you walked towards him , he got up and left the cafe. WEIRD !!! ]]

[[ Your whole day was pretty boring so you simply went back to your dorm once that lady arrived. On your way back to dorm you thought someone following you and you were right , it was some creep and whoever it was tried to molest you and suddenly someone punched that guy and saved you , you wonder who is this and when that guy's face came under light , you were shocked, its like someone just came out of gaming. He looks the most beautiful anime character you ever saw in your entire life. He introduced himself as "KIM TAEHYUNG" and walked with you towards your dorm for safety <3 . You thanked him and he left ]]

[[ After Taehyung left , you punched the key in the lock of your dorm but it got jammed , you tried to push it but it didnt help and then someone from back came , you wonder if colour white is named after him because he is white kissed and his face is like forgot to age. He smiled and you could see gummy smile that gives butterflies in you. You thought he is your senior so you introduced yourself to him and he introduced himself as "MIN YOONGI" . You thanked him later for helping you with the lock ]]

YOU : " Thank you oppa <3 "

YOONGI : " Mention not , this lock always been like this :) "

YOU : " You lived in this dorm ?! "

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