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You : Don't miss any shot I repeat don't miss any shot from anywhere from any angle... Did I make myself clear? This is billboard!!

Staffs : yes!!

((you are famous photographer... And u r in charge of  every single magazine  group who r going to take photos in billboard red carpet))

You : *calling *

??? : Hey..

You : where r u?

??? : getting ready with the group...

You : hmm Jungkook do u remem-

Jungkook : sweetie I need to go my makeupman is calling me... See you in billboard awards *hangs up*

You : bye.. See Yea

((you and Jungkook r in relationships for 4 years and soon going to get engaged but something isn't same like before.. When  u 2 first met he is more caring sweet.. But now it feels like he changed alot becz of success.))

*in billboard red carpet *

You : *in walky talky* don't miss any photo... Or u all r dead.

Anchor : now we have the first kpop group B. T. S!!!!!!

(( every member starts to walk in line..))

Anchor : so how is it feel? *asks to RM *

RM : very honored...

(( every one is smiling.. You decide to take a photo of jungkook in your phone camera.. Everything is perfect.. But suddenly you notice a metal rode in the crowd.. You are surprised to see it.. A person in black huddi is holding it.. He is moving towards Jungkook.. U guess his motives.))

You : * thinking * no no no.


That guy : die Jeon Jungkook!

(( that guy throws role towards Jungkook... But ur body moves on its own and blocks the attack by shielding Jungkook with ur front.. But that rode hits ur head))

You : Ahhhhhh * falls on the ground*

Jungkook : Y/N!!!

(( every one starts to shouts... The guards goes to catch that guy ))

Jungkook : y/n!!  hang in there everything will be fine I won't let you die so soon * sees blood in his hand* SOMEONE PLEASE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!! 😭😭😭😭

(( it took 45min to go to the hospital... U were lying in the bed and Jungkook was holding ur hand))

*in hospital *
*after getting a proper surgery from doc*

Jungkook : doctor how is she?


Jungkook : she is alive! Isn't she!?

Doc : yes she regains her sense but she lost her -

(( Jungkook avoids what Doc is trying to say and entered... You r sitting in bed with badages in ur head and with a emotionless face))

Jungkook : y/n? *coming closer *

Y/n : * get scares * who r u? Who am I? Where am I?

Jungkook : * stops *ur name is y/n and its me Jungkook ur bf..

??? : she lost her memories

(( Jungkook turns to see his members))

Jungkook : what?

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