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[[ This is your first BTS fansign event and you are so excited , only problem is you dont know KOREAN 😂😂.. You wrote questions in korean but your hangul is horrible , it looks mixture of japaness and chinnese 😂😂. You excited to meet your bias KIM TAEHYUNG <3 & u knew the meeting going to be one hard job as TAE dont speak english and u dont speak KOREAN... PERFECT !!! 🤣🤣🤣]]

[[ ------------- FANSIGN EVENT ------------- ]]

[[ You excited and nervous to death , you wearing a black frock and tied ur hair back.. you thought wearing shorts will make u look less awkward in sea of short skirts 😂😂]]

[[ The first member is KIM TAEHYUNG , your bias and TAE greet you excitedly. He saw you cant speak korean but luckily TAE can understand little very little english , like he dont know the difference between pronouncing BITCH and BEACH 😜😜]]

YOU : " HELLO :) "

TAE : "HIIIII <3 "

YOU : " I am your big fan :) "

TAE : " You .. korean ?! No ?!! "

[[ You shook your head and TAE felt sad but he got excited and wanted to converse in english with you 😊😊]]

YOU : " I love you and BTS so much , i came from another country , just for BTS <3 "

TAE : " Good.. Good.. you .. ah ?!! "

YOU : " ... ?! "

TAE : " Like.. place ?! "

YOU : " Oh yes , i loved korea , its amazing and beautiful <3 "

TAE : " Thank you :) , which song ? your .. favourite ?! "

YOU : " I loved SEA the most .. its really emotional :) "

TAE : " SEA.. ahhh.. i see <3 "

YOU : " Tae what kind of girls u like ?! :) "

TAE : " Ah.. long .. ah .. cute.. :) "

YOU : " Oh , i am short .. i mean how tall you like , the girl  ? the height :) "

TAE : " Height ?!! "

YOU : " You are very tall boy tae , how tall are you ?! :) "

TAE : " Me .. ?! what ?! :( "

[[ You saw TAE by mistakenly kicked the table and the water from that plastic bottle almost about to fell on his pants as the cap was unhooked 😂😂]]

[[ You pointed towards TAE's pants to get his attention but before tae see his pants , JIMIN from side catched the bottle and placed it next to him .. so when TAE looked at his dick , he saw nothing .. OOPS !!!! ]]

YOU : " Oh i mean how long ?! :) "

[[ Tae thought u asking about his dick's size as u pointed towards his pant and then next question u asked 'HOW LONG ? ' , but all u wanted to know tae's height 😂😂]]

TAE : " ....... "

YOU : " You ... how long ?! :) "


Stay tuned

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