---------Doctor Of Love ---------

16 3 0

??? : do as I said...? U know I love you

Jimin :............*starts to suck*

??? : good boy.. That's why I love you.

Jimin : * a tear falls from eyes *

* next day*

You : shit I am late for my first day... *running *

(( hi my name is y/n and as u can see I was in rush.. I was staring my internship as doctor from Kim health hospital that day ... I always wants to do it there and that was my lucky day.. Speaking of that I was pretty late already ))

[[after few mins]]

You : *panting * shoot I am dead.

(( entered into the hospital))

You : now where should I?

(( a music hit my ears.. It was painful yet beautiful.. I decided to follow the music.. It was coming from a room.. The door was opened so I decided to take a peek... It was a guy holding cat.. He was humming a tune.. I quickly took a picture of him ))

You : *about to enter in the room *

Jungkook : new intern?

You : *gasps and looks at Jungkook * yes.. Sorry I am late..

Jungkook : it's fine.. My name is Jungkook.. I am appointment as ur guide to show you the hospital.

You : it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for ur help.

Jungkook : let's go others intern r waiting for you..

(( It was a quick walk about 5 minutes I guess... Who knows beczz I was so obsessed with that music and guy I forgot when we reached the faculty room))

Jungkook : guys she is one of the interns..

Hesoek : please to meet..u r going to work with me.

Yoogi : under my department... Min Yoogi pleasure.

Teamin : I am a intern 2 name is taemin.

Minho : he is working under my department. Minho is the name

Kai : I am Kai

Suho : I am Suho


You : *thinking *they all r boys!! Omg I am so lucky.. No y/n focus...

(( I was lucky they helped me alot over many things.. The day went perfectly.. But my curiosity over that guy didn't end so I end up asking Jungkook about it))

Jungkook : what is it?

You : that room where we met this morning.. I saw a patient in that who was it?

Jungkook : Ahh that room his name is Park Jimin.. But u better stay away from that room.. He is a mental patient..

You : really?

Jungkook : yes.. Kim Taehyung is treating him for 1 year.

You : * thinking * how? He looks just fine to me..

Jungkook : well once a nurse told me he killed his family that's why he is sick.

(( I didn't know why after hearing this I wanted to meet that jimin.. So I decided to go to that room next day))

*next day *

Kid : *crying * I don't wanna stay here!!

You : 😅😅😅😅

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