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------------------ [[ FINAL PART ]] ----------------------------

[[ After Yoongi celebrated the birthday he went back to his penthouse and lay down on his bed.. it was almost after 8 hours when his door bell rang. Yoongi hated if someone disturbs his sleep so when he woke up and saw you , he was shocked .. His eyes were wide and before he could say anything , you hugged him tightly and started crying ]]

YOONGI : " Wh.. what are you doing here ?! :o "

YOU : " I LOVE YOU <3 !!! "

YOONGI : " Come inside .. god , how u came here ?! :/  "

YOU : " My heart .. "

YOONGI : " Does tae know u came here i mean he .. "

[[ Before yoongi could say furthur you kissed him and this is what he was craving for almost 2 years and the moment his hands touched ur body , he lost himself .. you begged him to touch u and he did .. it was whole night he loved u without saying " I LOVE YOU " , He loved your every inch and then its morning when you left without telling him anything. Its like your brain was malfunctioning due to the drug which u got injected 2 years back , its effect coming slow.. ]]

[[ ------ MANSION ------- ]]

SUHO : " Wh.. what are you doing here ?! :o "

YOU : " I am feeling sleepy .. step aside !!! "

[[ You have no idea what you doing as your past memories knocking on ur door , u dont understand what u trying to do and like that u went to suho's bed and slept .. suho was standing in shock and so as JIN !!! Both of them dont understand why you are here suddenly ?! ]]

[[ YOONGI woke up and found u no where , he got panicked , he called TAE and SUHO both and relieved that you safe in house , its again yoongi starts going back to mansion and again for you. He dont know how to get this topic out that you are mother of his child and ur child is in ICU but he knew for now u need rest. Its been 2 weeks when you found out you are pregnant again and that was like another reason for yoongi to live , he cant believe after everything he has done in past to his family , he is getting blessed to not only have u back in his life but becoming father for 2nd time <3 ]]

JIMIN : " Hyung , you ready to confront and , remaining all are ready, one movement and we will get our hands on the things we worked so hard for :) "

YOONGI : " Sure jimini !! We cant mess this time , this is what we worked hard for "

JIMIN : " Hyung , go meet her before she this mission :) "

[[ Yoongi stepped inside to see you trying to hook ur bra , he came from back and kissed ur shoulder and helped to hook it <3 ]]

YOU : " Where you going ? :( "

YOONGI : " Somewhere important , take care of urslf :) "

YOU : " Yoongi , who is that girl .. i mean is she my daughter .. ? our daughter ? :) "

YOONGI : " I will take u to her once i am done :) "

[[ With that Yoongi kissed your forehead and walked out .. you sat down on bed thinking about where yoongi is going :( ]]

[[ ------ AFTER 5 HOURS ------ ]]

[[ You were in kitchen with the old lady when the phone rang , you went to pick up the phone but u couldnt found so u let it go. After few minutes you went to your bedroom amd heared phone ringing again and this time it was from JIN's room so you went inside and picked the call , whoever on the other side didnt said anything and disconnected the call. You decided to see all the files as u never been in JIN's room before and there were more confidential file. You know Yoongi is in interpol so does it mean JIN too ?! so u started checking and found all details of the drug dealing and smuggling , it was JIN who is behind all these , it was JIN who is the head of all criminal activites , it was JIN who forced YOONGI to be like this monster , but u wonder does yoongi know this ?! So u thought to call and inform yoongi , u called him and he didnt pick up , u called suho , he didnt pick up either , u called tae and he didnt pick up .. wow unlucky thrice in a row , so u decided to visit brothel as u have no idea where is their headquater, office whatever and u visited brothel.

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