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[[ YOU started rolling your camera and trying to pull focus on atleast one object , atleast one so that you dont fail in your next assignment. Its been 5 hours and you still struggling to take a perfect picture. Finally you gave up, came back home and fell on your bed, you started checking ur phone when u saw a trip to some other country , KOREA !! You started checking the expenditure details and all photos related to place and it got u trapped , u wanted to visit that place so u jumped down and book flight and all remaining expenditure. You saved lots of money and finally its going to be for a good use :( .

Its after 3 days when you finally in new country , you got down in seoul and took train to busan , ofcourse you saving money so you took train to busan and its almost 8 PM when u get down in Busan. You took cab and went to the hotel u booked.. Its morning 4 AM and u still rolling on ur bed as u wanted to take photos of this place you saw in picture.. its a FARM <3  !! You finally raised ur ass from bed, got ready and left for the place with ur camera hanging around ur neck. Its 4:30 AM when you finally reached the place .. it looks FARM but its someone's property and in legal terms its called "Trespassing" which you doing now.. You sneeked under the wire because god damn this place looks beautiful when sun started kissing the morning sky , you wanted to take the picture and u took .. BUT still none looks satisfying , you dont know why.. Sun finally arrived in morning sky and its morning .. still you are confused , this missing something .. SOMETHING !! & then someone's footsteps u heared , u turned and saw someone behind trees <3 , you turned and started taking heavy step to get the fuck out of that place when you heard an angel speaking , yup that's what you thought ]]

JIMIN : " Excuse me .. STOP !!! "

YOU : " I am sorry , i just .. "

JIMIN : " STOP !!! "

[[ YOU turned but you didnt saw anyone behind you , and then suddenly a guy came out behind the trees and your hand automatically clicked the picture , you captured that boy in ur camera :) ]]

YOU : " WOOOOW <3 "

JIMIN : " You're traespassing , you do know its wrong and illegal :/ "

YOU : " I am really sorry , its just i wanted to take the picture , that's all.. i am not from korea so i cant read hangul , so i didnt knew what it says , i hardly speaks korean like i am doing now.. i am sorry :( "

JIMIN : " Please come with me :) "

YOU : " Wh.. what ?! "

JIMIN : " You standing on mud , your whole dress is mud incase u didnt notice .. come with me and clean yourself :) "

YOU : " Oh thank you & seriously sorry for trespassing :) "

JIMIN : " Its ok .. really , you look good person :) "

YOU : " This is your farm ?! I mean you live here alone ?! :) "

JIMIN : " I am studying with botany and agriculture , i am going to settle here after i done with my studies , for now i study in seoul university :) "

[[ & like that YOU both inside and you greeted his grandparents who are taking care of the farm .. JIMIN showed u the washroom and u seriously dont know how to use the tap and u ended up in getting wet, u got scared that u broke the tap may be , but then jimin entered and he helped u to shut it .. you were wearing transparent white shirt which is total wet now showing every part of your breast area , JIMIN turned his head other side and covered you with towel and left <3 ]]

YOU : " The tap .. ahm .. i am sorry , i didnt break it , did i ?! :( "

JIMIN : " NO !! Its like that .. it looks like it going to rain so its better u stay for night :) "

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