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*JIMIN crying in bathroom before WINGS concert*

YOONGI : " JIMINI open the door ?! 😕 "

JIMIN : " Wait hyung, i'm comi..coming 💔. Give me 10 minutes. "

YOONGI : " JIMINI you are crying again ?! :( "

JIMIN : " N.. NO.. Hyu..hyung 💔"

YOONGI : " JIM.. "

*JUNGKOOK enters*

JUNGKOOK : " Yoongi hyung, will u please give me 5 minutes, i will bring JIMINI hyung outside :) "

YOONGI : " ofcourse ❤ "

*JUNGKOOK knocks on bathroom door*

JIMIN : " Jungkookie, i will be out.. go prepare for performance 💔 "

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung please open the door , let me come in 💔 "

JIMIN : " Jungk.. "

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung please 💔 "

*JIMIN opens the door, whipping his red nose & rosy cheeks *

JUNGKOOK : " WOW, you're so beautiful hyung ❤ "

JIMIN : " No I am not kookie, i gained weight, my cheeks looks fat 💔💔 "

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung listen, who matters most in this world to you ?! :) "

JIMIN : " Family, hyungs, ARMYS & YOU ❤ "

JUNGKOOK : " so did any of your family members, hyungs, ARMYS or I told u ever that u look fat or need to lose weight ?! :) "

JIMIN : " ...N..NO :( "

JUNGKOOK : " Then who else is there whom u trying to impress ?! Your family, hyungs, ARMYS & I will forever love you no matter how you look ❤ . We will never judge you :) "

JIMIN : " Pro..promi.. promise :( "

JUNGKOOK : " Ofcourse ❤ & now I want you to enjoy the concert & show ARMYS how much you love them ok.. :) "

JIMIN : " OK ❤ "

JUNGKOOK : " Now let's start concert.. shall we ?! ARMYS are waiting for their mochi :) ❤ "

JIMIN : " & mochi is waiting for his ARMYS ❤ "

JUNGKOOK : "that's right.. enjoy the concert hyung :) "

*In concert*


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