Sing For Me

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(( a girl was standing frozen....she was in front of her mother touching her with blooded hand))

Girl : mom?

Her mom : Kasi? Please don't cry.. Hide Urself & cover ur ears OK? Everything will be OK

Girl : I won't leave you alone.

Her mom : please go.. Mommy promise you

((that girl did as her mother told her....but she could heard one sentence ))

Male voice : sing for me! And only for me!

*16 years later*
Jimin : wow... This fan meet will be great..

(( bts was checking out the fan meet hall which was going to hold the next was in India ))

Taehyung : it's amazing... Can't wait for tomorrow..

Jungkook : this building

Jin : I heard they have a theater hall upper floor.

Jungkook : I wanna see it..

RM : no Kookie.. We r not allow..

Taehyung & jimin & Jungkook : please....? *puppy eyes *

RM : *face plam* go.. Don't create a mess..

(( the trio went on to check the hall... But as they were about to enter.. They heard a sweet soft song.. It was beautiful yet painful.. So they decided to enter))

Jungkook : I am going to call others... U 2 go ahead...

(( so jimin and Taehyung entered... They saw a girl standing in the stage... She was singing closing her eyes))

Jimin & Taehyung : wow...

(( that girl suddenly opened her eyes.. She looked at them and started to panic... When boys were about to say something more that girl ran away ))

Jimin : Hey!

Taehyung : don't go...

(( but that girl was no where be found.. When others joined them.. They told what happened))

Jin : that girl must be shy..

Suga : or they both reacted weirdly...

Jimin & Taehyung : yah!! Hyung!!

RM : anyway let's go.....

(( this time bts didn't book a hotel to stay... They had found a great large house in low prize... very near to their fan meet spot))

Jungkook : wow this house is beautiful..

??? : I am happy u like it..

(( it was a man arround Jungkook's father's age smiling towards them))

Jin : thank you for having us...

Bts : we r very grateful....

Man : please have a look arround the house..

(( they r started to look around... Everything was beautiful and decent.. Suddenly jimin spotted a frame picture in the wall.. It was a family photo))

Jimin : who r they..? Mr.?

Man : Ajay is my name but u all can call me uncle...

(( bts nodded))

Ajay : this is my brother's family.. My brother.. His wife.. And *pauses * my niece...

Taehyung : what happened to them?

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