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[[ You getting ready and your boyfriend JEON JUNGKOOK revolving around you like satellite 🙄🙄]]

JUNGKOOK : " Why ?! i dont understand why you have to disobey me ?! 😠😠"

YOU : " Shut up kookie , i am also an ARMY !! 😠😠"

JUNGKOOK : " But you are also my girlfriend.. like i dont understand , you can have me in home then why you wanted to go to fansign .. WHY ?! 😠😠"

YOU : " BTS isnt only about you , other membe.. "

JUNGKOOK : " Bullshit !! Hyungs always comes home, you can get these album and merch signed by them in home, there is no need to go to fansign.. "

[[ You pushed JUNGKOOK on the wall, like seriously JUNGKOOK getting posessive day by day , his posessivness has no limit , and nowdays it skyrocketed, he hugs you close to his chest while sleeping in fear what if you leave , he gives hickey every inch of ur exposed skin so that people can see u r taken, he makes u wear ring on ring finger os people can think u r married , he close every single door which he finds approchable .. POSESSIVE JEON JUNGKOOK !!! 😏😏]]

[[ At starting you finds this cute and romantic but Jungkook as an idol is nowhere same as person, he is not innocent baby maknae which people think he is , he is probably more hornier, more adult and erotic than anyone can even ever thought about in their dreams .. 😍😍.. he is surely great boyfriend, great in taking care of u , great in loving u and super great in bed but damn he is also posessive , his posessivness has no limit .. 😣😣]]

YOU : " STOPP!!!!!! "

JUNGKOOK : " I dont want you to come to fansign and yes you will bring your stupid ass friend yugyeom too, isnt it .. he will come too .. 😠😠😠"

YOU : " Jungkook ah , he has a boyfriend name MARK !!! How many times i have to say this ?! STOP BEING JEALOUS !!! Please .. 😥😥"

[[ While Jungkook is pressed against the wall and his hands grabbed your hips, his eyes fell on your neck , the hickey isnt deep enough for jungkook , like its blood red but still not enough for jungkook , so he grabbed your hair & bite your neck again and made sure it turns into purple and look fresh.. ]]


[[ With that Jungkook left for dorm , you knew he is so angry and mad and he will punish you that later at night in bed , but for now you need to get ready as all you wearing is black jeans and white bra.. ]]

[[ ----- FANSIGN ----- ]]

YUGYEOM : " Meet SUHO , he asked me if you coming and i said yes so he came along :) "

YOU : " HI SUHO :) "

SUHO : " HELLO !!! I was wondering if you can go on a coffee with me.. :) "

[[ Coffee ?! If Jungkook know about this he will lock you up in the apartment and start practicing all his taekwondo moves on suho .. so NO .. HELLL NOOOO !!!! ]]

YOU : " Actually i cant go, i have exams so why dont we drink coffee here , there is barista any way :) "

[[ With that SUHO went to get coffee and yugyeom left you too alone..After 12 minutes SUHO brought the big cups and you both went inside for fan meeting , LUCK HATES YOU SO MUCH because your seat is exact front of JUNGKOOK and his eyes already stabbing knifes on SUHO for being close to you .. and you can sense that easily and then something happened .. ]]


YOU : " Oh .. i wil just .. "


[[ With that SUHO touched your lips with his fingers and your mind screamed NO NO NO NOOOOO NOOOOO PLEASE NOOOOOOO.. you side eyed to see JUNGKOOK .. ]]


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