---------- MY DEAR SOULMATE -------------

18 3 0

(( Morning sun kissed the horizon and came out to wish everyone good morning. Sun rays like crystal shine graced the surface of earth and touched skin of every person who are benathe those crystal rays. Birds flew from their nest to search for food, flowers bloomed like a lazy student just woke up in class and in between all these,  sun rays kissed the eye lashes of a beautiful human who is now trying to cover those lashes and blocking those sun rays from entering in his vision. ))

NURSE : " Good morning Taehyung :) "

TAE : " Morning nurse noona "

NURSE : " Here is your medicine and first you need to.. "


NURSE : " Good boy , the doctor will come in few minutes , ok :) "

TAE : " Ok noona "

(( before going for shower and breakfast , he need to do most important thing , that is writing a note for his SOULMATE.


I just woke up and first thing i thought about is you. I wonder if you think about me the way i think about you. I am getting better day by day. I cant wait to meet you. Hope you do exsit in real world and not only in my dreams. I LOVE YOU.



& with that tae put the pen down and went for shower so that he can quickly do the breakfast and take his medicine. .. MEANWHILE ))


Do you think about my exsistence like i always think about your's, every minute , every second , every breathe , every heartbeat.. ? its 14TH  feb , valentine's day, everyone celebrating with their soulmates and i am here waiting for you. I dont need valentine's day to celebrate my love for you. For me valentine's day is everyday when i am with you. Hope we meet soon. I LOVE YOU.



With that you put the pen down & staring outside window.. window whose silk curtains dancing with the summer breezze, your little handmade windchime tingling near balcony and birds chirping near your table , table where you writing another letter ...  to whom ? .... To your SOULMATE .. SOULMATE you dont even know exist or not.. a smile spread across your lips thinking about your soulmate and then door opened ))

JUNGKOOK : " Noona ? "

YOU : " Yes jungkook :) "

JUNGKOOK : " You writing the letter again ? "

YOU : " Is it crime, jungkook ? "

JUNGKOOK : " you dont even know he exist or not ? "

(( With that your smile fade away because TRUE , you dont know your soulmate exist ot not. Jungkook is your best friend. You share everything with him since you both became friends at age 5, Jungkook age 3. In your life you have your father and jungkook , that's it. Your mother used to read you stories of soulmate and you wondered if there is someone who is your soulmate but then your mother passed away and those stories remain incomplete.))

(( You folded the letter neatly and placed it safely inside a SILVER BOX which your mother gifted you when you were just 5 years old , since then every letter you wrote to your soulmate is in that box, safely. No one read those letters except you ))

-------------------- MORNING 10 AM ----------------------

JIN : " Hello Taehyung ssi "

TAE : " Jin hyung :D "

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