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You : so whom should I shoot first.? 😏😏😏

(( you pointed gun in front of 6 boys who were trying to move but couldn't because their hands and foots were tied and they had tapes in their their mouth))

You : let see let see.. The oldest *points it at Jin's Forehead * or the leader * points it at RM's Forehead * or the youngest *points it at Jungkook's Forehead *

Jimin : * tries to say something *

You : *comes closer to jimin * don't worry sweetheart I didn't forget you at all..

Becz no matter who or how many of you will die... "he" will be number 1 like he always wanted and than *whispers * he will suffer

You : Hahahaha haha *wickedly laughs*

[[ 10 years ago]]

You : ready for ur college

Your sister : yes I am

((you and your one month older sister was ready to go to ur dream place which was  Korea... U and sister got chance to enter Korea's biggest arts & music college))

*in airport *

Your mom : please be careful.. Both of you.

You : mom stop worrying about everything.. Plus we 2 r together this time *holds ur sisters hand* nothing will go wrong.

Your dad : if you say so.


*in Korea *

Taehyung : seriously appa..

Jin : yes.. Seriously.. U need to go to the college.

Noomjon : try to understand Tae.. It's good for ur education.

Tae's mom : well beside being a part of ur band  BTS. You are the  heir of  Kim industry...

Taehyung : but mom it's unfair... Why I need to focus on my further studies. Why not them * point fingers at Jin and Noomjon*

Tae's father : becz u r immuture like a kid who needs proper education for taking good care of our business unlike ur brilliant brothers.

Taehyung : *pouts * what ever....

(( you and ur sister reached ur dorm))

Your sister :.finally...!

You : its beautiful.. Ha wanna go out side?

Your sister : nope I am freaking tired..

You : fine... I will be back in a min.

((and so u went on a walk.. The reason of u to applied in Korea was to meet a boy band name BTS.. they r a popular boy who r amazingly talented in YouTube and u just love them.. So u were thinking about how u will get to know more about BTS and unconsciously u bumped into someone))

You : ouch.. I am so sorry.

(( your eyes went widely open))

You : u. U. U. U. U-

?? : r u OK? Miss?

You : YOU R PARK JIMIN!!! OMG😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jimin : guess like u know me.

You : I do I am the biggest fan of BTS...

Jimin : really then today is ur lucky day?

You : what do you -

??? : JIMIN hyung !

(( that deep voice u can't forget  that voice even if u r in coma it's Taehyung 's voice ur one and only angle ))

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