-------------LOVE --------------

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YOU : *starts to wakes up* what happened? Where am I?

((you were on road lying.. People were walking but no one was noticing you))

You : * tries to touch one guy* hey?

(( you tried to touch them but your hand went through them))

You : * scares * what is happening?

((you started running.. You soon reached ur home))

You : mom..

MOM : excuse me? But do I know you?

You :I am your daughter..

MOM : what kind of joke r u pulling off young lady...! 😒😒😡😡My daughter is dead for 5 years

You : *gasps*

MOM : she died in a beach...

You : *runs away *

((you were in a lost... You were playing with your friends.. Then u suddenly faint.. You thought it becz of sunburn.. After you woke up you found ur self lying on road and all this.. You were scared so you  decide to look for your friends... When you found them.. They said they don't know you.... And their friend with same name died 5year ago))

You : *on beach * what is happening...?*cries *

A guy : Don't cry its hopeless your soul is trapped..

You : what do you mean? *looks at the guy *

(( that guy is wearing a strip black white top with a short jeans and have pink hair))

You :who r u?

Guy : a friend..

You :what do u mean by trapped?

Guy : your soul is trapped in this world called dreinasion.. This is the connection of dream, heaven, hell, nightmare and reality.

You : how I will wake up.?

Guy : follow your hearts true wish

You : *whispers *wish.. I want to be happy

(( you were in ur 20's and you always stay by Urself. No parents.... ur dad left you when you were little.. Your lover left you becz he liked your BFF and use you as midium... Yet you never let anyone feel your pain.. You always smile.... A big fake smile))

Guy : comon we r going on a date..

You :HUH! what?

Guy : you said you wanna be happy..

((you look like a idiot so  he grabs your hand and starts walking...... After that you started to have dates with him..you started to stay in his house..you lost track of days but you were happy))

*at night*

You : *having dinner * you r a perfect chef.

Guy : u have a sweet mouth thats all.

You : so how come u r here?

Guy :I am waiting for my love..we got separated because of a car accident .. She reincarnated but I couldn't.

You : I am sorry to hear it.

He :its fine. I knw she is happy right now.. With her new form and I can feel it.

You : I am done. * gets up and goes to the kitchen *

((as u turn u face him very close to you.. It shock you. You can clear his warm breath in ur neck.. Before you could say something he grabs ur waist and starts kissing you in neck.. His grip is to strong too break .. You moan as slow as possible.. You somehow enjoy it... That night you had a beautiful night with him entering.... U 2 becoming one....

Next morning he took you to the beach where you 2 first met.))

You : why we r here.?

He : because it's time for you 2 go.

You : what?!

He : if the soul's greatest wish come true they can return back.

You : so yesterday that was...?

He : yes only to grant your wish no other intention

(( you were numb.... tears were falling one by one...  You were emotionally shocked As you were about to say something you started to feel weird.. You hit the ground.. It was dark only one voice.. His voice))

He : you know I said I am waiting for my love... It was you all along.. even though you reincarnated I can still see the real you who will always be the same.. Now my wish is come true.. Which was to spend some real private time.. Now I can give my soul to anyone to reborn .. And I will meet you again I promise you my love.

((and every thing went silent... Next when you woke up u were in ur bed.. U felt dizzy like a Hazzzzzzzzzzziiiiiiiiiiiiii memories were flashing in ur head but u couldn't remember it clearly .. Everything was normal but u were starting to feel empty...

One day u & ur friends planned to go on a beach party... It was a fun party but u noticed a pink hair boy sitting near the sea.. U don't know what happened but u started to walk towards him.. More steps u took more that hazi dream becoming more clear to you. You stopped in front of his back and said those same which u said when u first meet him in ur past life))

you : mind if I join you?


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