---- MARRY ME NOONA !!! ------

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[[ & the bell rings again , again you opened door of your house just to find 25 red roses and one paper in which its written "MARRY ME NOONA ?! " .. like seriously who is the person who is obsessed with you and keep sending you roses and this letter every single day 😠😠😠 ]]

MOTHER : " Who is it ?! :) "

YOU : " Same old same old !!! God knows who is this person, he keeps sending me these roses again & again and what is this letter 'MARRY ME NOONA ?! ' everyday 😠😠"

MOTHER : " It must be some kid , dont worry .. you know kids play these pranks nowdays :) "

YOU : " But what about these roses ?! These looks expen.. "

[[ Bell rings .. Again ]]

MOTHER : " Go see who is it ?! :) "

[[ You opened the door & saw JEON JUNGKOOK your neighbour standing on door , he is 6 years younger than you and he literally worship you since he was a kid <3 ]]

YOU : " Jungkook ?! "

JUNGKOOK : " Hey noona , oh wow roses .. someone sent u roses again ?! 😜😜"

YOU : " Not funny Jungkook !! Seriously i am getting annoyed now !! 😠😠"

JUNGKOOK : " Noona it must be someone who admire and love you lot.. dont you think ?! <3 "

[[ For a moment you dont understand if Jungkook talking about that mystery person who sends you roses or he talking about himself .. ]]

YOU : " I really hate these games jungkook , i would prefer that person come face to face and say this :/ "

[[ With that you started heading towards your room and Jungkook like little puppy followed you. Your family and Jeons are close friends when you and Jungkook werent even born.

Once you reached your room, you fell down on your bed and Jungkook fell beside you, on same bed <3 ]]

JUNGKOOK : " What if that person say he loves you but you reject him ?! It will break his heart ?! Dont you think ?! :( "

YOU : " What is with you ?! Why you much worried about that person hhm ?! Is that person you ?! 😜😜😜😜"

[[ Jungkook got scared but he hide himself well, he started laughing and rolling on floor as if you cracked biggest joke of century ]]

JUNGKOOK : " ME ?! Oh please noona , you know i am not in games , i would probably write some song for you to confess ;) "

YOU : " That sounds romantic Jungkook ah , and yes songs , it reminds me of ur audition , are u ready ?! :) "

JUNGKOOK : " Ofcourse noona , i am ready :) "

[[ Jungkook went for Kpop audition , like that 2 weeks passed and Jungkook got contract letter for his move to seoul, to fulfill his dream , to be a kpop idol <3 . You were happy but somewhere you were sad because you dont know when Jungkook going to come back and when you will get to spend time with him :( ]]

[[ Night before Jungkook's depature <3 ]]

JUNGKOOK : " Noona .. :) "

YOU : " Yes kookie :) "

JUNGKOOK : " Noona can we sit under the moon , on that patio where we used to sit down when we were kids .. pls "

YOU : " Ofcourse <3 "

[[ Jungkook interlocked his fingers with your fingers and pulled you on patio, there he sat down beside you, you busy admiring moon and he busy admiring you <3 ]]

JUNGKOOK : " Marry me noona ?! <3 "

YOU : " What ?! "

JUNGKOOK : " That paper.. that paper near your feet , see.. it says 'MARRY ME NOONA <3 ' "

[[ Jungkook was pointing towards the paper near your feet but the words he said were so sincere that you really felt he asking you to marry him :) ]]

YOU : " Oh !! Forget it .. so will u going to miss me ?! :) "

JUNGKOOK : " I can forget to breathe but not forget you <3 "

[[ You dont know is that Jungkook or someone else , did he matured so quickly ?! a 16 years old Jungkook and you are 22 years , how he sounds so different now .. you were in thoughts when Jungkook pulled his fingers back , shoved his hands back in pocket and walked away !! You looked at your fingers and it craved to hold back jungkook's fingers , but you let that emotion sleep in coffin.
Before leaving he turned back and you thought you saw tears but pls JEON JUNGKOOK dont cry <3 ]]

[[ Like that 3 years went by , you never got those letters and roses again , and somewhere ur heart screamed its JUNGKOOK who sent those and like that one day your parents introduced you to someone, for marriage .. ofcourse Jungkook heared this .. BEFORE HIS COMEBACK !! ]]

YOU : " Dont disturb me, i want to see my jungkookie's comeback <3 "

MOTHER : " Watch as much as you want now , after you get married your husband will be your whole world, not Jungkook ha ha 😂😂"

[[ You felt kind of disappointment and sad hearing your mother taking your name with some other man and not with Jungkook .. and like that your fiancee SUHO sat beside you to watch JUNGKOOK'S performance :)

His eyes were on you and the way your face lit up when Jungkook started performing is what captivated his mind and then something happened.. SONG !!! .. THE SONG JUNGKOOK PERFORMING .. <3 ]]

SUHO : " Is he talking about you ?! "

YOU : " I don't kn... "

[[ & then ur mind went back to what Jungkook said 3 years back ..

JUNGKOOK : " ME ?! Oh please noona , you know i am not in games , i would probably write some song for you to confess ;) ..


SUHO : " That's you .. isnt it <3 "

YOU : " Oh my god, suh.. "

SUHO : " Dont say a word :) "

[[ Like that SUHO left with a smile and he broke the engagement with you. Its been 2 days , your parents confused & asking for explanation but truth is you are more confused then how you going to explain this to your parents .. and with that thought DOOR BELL RANG ]]

[[ You opened the door and saw those 25 red roses and a paper .. your heart was beating so fast , you picked up the roses & you opened the paper , it says ' MARRY ME NOONA '.. <3 !! You lifted your eyes to search for the person in your balcony near main enterance to see who sent you this :) ]]

YOU : " Whoever sent me these .. come out now or else i aint marrying you ever <3 "


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