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(( JIMIN feeling the softness of rose petals around his chubby fingers , his smooth skin melting with soft texture of the flower. Everytime he inhales the scent of rose, a smile appears on his beautiful lips and he giggles. Jimin wearing a beautiful lose white shirt and black jeans , kneeled down infront of rose plants and inhalling scent of rose. Sun in morning 5 AM rised and kissed Jimin's skin, no one would believe a human can look like this and in all these HE saw JIMIN kneeling infront of his garden , infront of his bedroom.. HE .. JEON JUNGKOOK :) ))

(( Jungkook just returned from america , he completed his studies in harvard and this is first time he coming back home. He has no plan to stay here in korea so he thought to stay here for his parents 25th anniversary and once its over, he will be gone. Jungkook came here with his bestfriend Kim taehyung and Tae is currently sleeping on Jungkook's bed. Both partied out whole night , played overwatch and went for sleep at morning 3 AM.. Jungkook woke up after 2 hours and now at 5 AM he is standing infront of his window to inhale breathe of fresh air and watch the beautiful view from his mansion's window when he saw HIM .. PARK JIMIN :) ))

(( Jungkook was trying to think if he is dreaming or this person is real , Jimin looked like an angel , glowing in morning sun light and Jungkook had urge to see this angel close so he quickly ran down and when he about to run, he tripped on Taehyung's long legs making Tae almost wake up from sleep. He didnt care tae woke up or not , so Jungkook just ran down and now he standing in enterance of his garden.. watching that angel trying to feel the flower petals ))

JUNGKOOK : " Careful , there are throns !!! "

(( Jimin suddenly jerked with someone's sudden arrival and in quick movement he tried to stand up and almost about to fell on mud when Jungkook's quick reflex grabbed Jimin and wrapped arm around Jimin's waist. Jungkook was so lost in Jimin's beauty .. those beautiful plump lips keep calling Jungkook to kiss him , those chubby cheeks , the way Jimin's blond hair fell all over his forhead .. no it cant be human , it has to be an angel ))


(( Jimin giggled and DAMN THAT GIGGLE !! That's it , MR. JEON JUNGKOOK IS IN LOVE ))

JIMIN : " Sorry , i didnt knew its your garden , i am here with my eomma , she asked me to wait for her here :) "

JUNGKOOK : " Oh you could have waited inside but looks like you love flowers and you see , be very careful .. you about to touch the throns "

JIMIN : " oh, i didnt knew that .. actually i cant see.. i am blind so "

JUNGKOOK : " ..... "

JIMIN : " Please dont be sorry for me , i have enough people to show symp... "

JUNGKOOK : " NO!!! I am not sorry for you , well atleast you will not fall in love with yourself as you are blind so you cannot see yourself ;) "

(( Jimin started laughing throwing his head back and Jungkook just lost his heart right there , he want jimin , he will protect jimin , marry jimin and will make him his ))

JIMIN : " My name is PARK JIMIN & you the son of MR. JEON , so i guess you are JEON JUNGKOOK :) "

JUNGKOOK : " Yes i am .. ha ha.. come .. i will pluck the rose for y... "

JIMIN : " NOOO !!! I dont like to pluck the flower , it hurts the plant :( "

(( Jungkook wanted to drag Jimin to church and marry him , right there .. how he got so lucky to get jimin like that in freaking morning 5 AM .. wow ))

JUNGKOOK : " I am sorry... i .. "

MRS . PARK : " Master Jungkook , oh i am sorry if my son is bothering you , see he dont know anything about the mansion "

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