------------BIRTHDAY WISH -------------

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YOU : *wakes up* morning to myself as well as happy birthday to me

((you are a lonely orphan who don't know anything about ur parents.... You had a rough time dealing with the world.. Now u r used to it..... It's ur 23th birthday..))

You : *in kitchen making breakfast *

(( suddenly u feel a pain of hand hugging you from behind.. U smile as u feel warmness of thar hand which belongs to ur dear lover I mean Kim Taehyung))

You : sleep well in another room.. Don't dare to argue with me in future..

Taehyung : yes my love I get you loud and clear...now give me a kiss

(( Taehyung close his eyes for having a encounter with ur juicy lips but have encounter with juicy bread))

You : *laughing *

Taehyung : not funny.

((Taehyung was always there for you when you were lonely... He was the perfect boy for you... But sometimes u feel lonely becz ur don't have any family to wish specially on ur Bday

U have a normal day at night Taehyung brought a cake and arranged a candle light dinner for you))

*at night *

Taehyung : do u like it?

You : no

Taehyung : 🙄🙄🙄

You : I love it...! Thank you

Taehyung : u should be 😤😤

((after ur dinner Taehyung takes you in ur house roof top to see the stars))

Taehyung : I know u always seeing stars

You : it calms me always.

Taehyung : look a shooting star... Make a wish

You : Taehyung. U know I don't beli-

Taehyung : MAKE A WISH!! 😡

YOU : fine fine

(( you wish to feel how it's feel like to have a family))

*next day*
(( you are sleeping suddenly u can hear someone calling your name.. U opened ur eyes it was a female's voice looks very old.. U are shocked to see her))

You : who are you?

Woman : what kind of question is this? I am ur mom... Did you hit ur head or something like that?

You : mom? I don't have any mom.. I am an orphan

Woman : * touchs ur Forehead*u don't have a fever

You : Don't touch me!

(( then another man enters into the room))

Man : what's my Bday girl is doing.

Woman : she is saying she don't have any parents..

Man : r u OK dear?

(( you are confused suddenly u realize about the wish u made yesterday..

" a family?" ur wish is finally come true?... U r still disturbed but in end u decided to play along))

You : sorry mom dad.. I had a bad dream

Man : you scared us 2 hell

You : sorry.

(( the day went perfect u cut cake u received presents from ur parents.... But u couldn't recived a single word from Taehyung...

At night u decided to take a walk.. Suddenly u saw a man and he was Taehyung))

You : * hugs him* where were you? U know u were right my wish really come

Taehyung : who r u?

you: *eyes become wildly open* what r u saying.. U don't remember me?

Taehyung : I have doubt we have ever met.

(( Taehyung starts walking away while you are stiff in ur place. When the reality hits you starts running to catch Taehyung but couldn't...

You fall to ur knees.. Suddenly you see a figure in front of you it is Taehyung's))

You : Taehyung?

Taehyung : unfortunately no my name is dreamer. And I fulfilled people's dreams.

You : my head is confused... Explain me?

Dreamer : u wish to have a family or should I say it's ur dream .. If you want ur wish will come true but u have to sacrifice something... Which is...

You : my memories of Taehyung?

Dreamer : yes.. Now decide it..

You : I choose.........

*later that night *

You : *enters ur house*

Dad : why you were late?

MOM : U r OK right?

You : * takes a deep breath * Yea I am mom dad. But I want to say something to you.. Thank you... It's always was my dream to have parents and now it's really come true... But I don't deserve it...

MOM : don't say this.

You : I am sorry but I can't let my dream come true and sacrifice my love...

MOM & dad :...........

You : I love Taehyung.. & he was always there for me. I don't wanna loose him.. I am so sorry * cries *

MOM & dad : * hugs you* we understand sweetie don't apologize for this we r happy if you r..

You : *started to fade out* this was my best Bday ever.

(( every thing went black.. When u open ur eyes.. U r in ur bed but every thing is silent.. U go down stairs and noticed a cake on ur table.. Suddenly Door bell rings.. U open it and see some one is covering his face with his hand))

You : I am really happy to see u my love

He :


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