----------a Walk to remember------------

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Jungkook's pov

(( hello everyone my name is Jeon Jungkook.. I am 23 years old.. Today I am going to tell you a story of a teacher students relationship about love? I like u 2 decide it .. It all begins when we got our new chemistry madam.. Ji Hyejin))
Jungkook : * all alone* *sighing ** reading *

(( you guess it right I was a nerd.. And that's why I didn't have "friends" who wanted to be friends with a nerd like me.. The class was talking about the new madam.. I am curious 2.. some saying she is beautiful others she is very nice. Well to me it was 'is she a perfect in teaching? '))

*principal entered *

Sir : students todays we r going to have our new chemistry mam.. Miss Ji please come in

(( and there she was more then beautiful like the next generations of snow white..))

Hyejin : Hello students it is a huge pleasure of mine to be here with u all...
I am looking forward to be friends with you all.

(( she mean her words with in a week she created a friendly relationship with everyone in class except me.. Well she had a charming smile.. I didn't know about others but I fell for it))

Hyejin : Jungkook.. Can u stay after class I have something to talk with you?

Jungkook : sure

*after class *

Hyejin : look I don't know about ur past or personal life but what I observed is you r brilliant student but
u r lonely u don't have any one in ur class.

Jungkook : what a ur point say it clearly

(( I regretted it till today))

Hyejin : you r not alone each and every class have this type of brilliant and after talking with principal we decided to create a club of you all

Jungkook : U want me to be a part of it.

Hyejin : yes atleast give it a try I will be ur club role model just in case u won't feel lonely.

Jungkook : fine.

Hyejin : let's go then.

Jungkook : right now?

Hyejin : yes others r waiting

(( we entered in 3rd floor 's library class and there were already 6 boys waiting for us))

Hyejin : boys we r going to have a new member

Jungkook :Hello.

(( they welcomed me warmly with hugs.. They all were my senior...
Noonjon Hyung, The captain
Seokjin hyung, the elderest
Hoseok hyung, the cheerful
Jimin hyung, the cutest
Yoongi hyung, the sleepy
Taehyung hyung, the weirdest

They were just like me book lover...... Study lovers.. It finally felt like I finally got accepted by people...

But soon things started to get hasty. Hyejin started to take frequent leaves and rumors of her having sexual relation with her male students went viral like fire.... People started to question us becz she was our club's role model....

Ofc we denied it Hyejin was a kind honest and self aware woman))

Jimin : guys this is going out of control.
We need to talk with her.. She needs to know what is happening.

Seokjin : we need to meet her...

(( so we all decided to meet her... She looked weak))

Suga : r you OK? Teacher?

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