----------------- FALLING FOR YOU AGAIN ----------------------

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(( You running down in your dorm's corridor to get your project work which by mistaken you forgot in your room. While running down you crashed down on someone , your bestfriend PARK JIMIN .. He coming towards your class with the project you forgot in room ))

YOU : " Thank you Minniiieeee <3 "

JIMIN : " You will die without me , i swear ";)

YOU : " I dont disagree minnie ;) "

(( With that You and Jimin headed towards the class, Jimin is your senior and also your best friend. You and Jimin lived together in BUSAN as neighbours, you both love each other so much but only as friends because Jimin is interested in Boys just like you ha ha. You and Jimin made a pact that both of you not going for same boy and that promise still intact. ))

(( Jimin and You moved in Seoul when you both were young , you both went together in same school and now same university , only problem is Jimin skipped 2 years and now he is your senior. You and Jimin always isolated from other groups. You both come from very middle class family and with your qualification you both got admission in Seoul's richest school. It is practically harvard of korea. As rich kids always looked down at both of you so you and Jimin always stayed away from everyone.. but your heart couldnt stay away from that one particular person .. that boy who is your first love , the moment you saw him , you fell in love .. KIM TAEHYUNG <3 ))

(( JIMIN was no different , he fell in love with Taehyung's bestfriend JEON JUNGKOOK but only if Jungkook look at Jimin , he made Jimin's life hell in school.. he bullied Jimin to death and TAEHYUNG never stopped Jungkook , see rich bastards !! Your and Jimin's love turned into dislike but somewhere deep down You both still in love. The only saviour of you TWO were JUNG HOSEOK , he was VKOOK's childhood friend and also student council head. He never diffrentiated between rich and middle class students so he always controlled Jungkook and his gang from getting things out of hand. ))

(( It was last year of school when Jungkook got suspended because of Jimin's one complain and in return he played with Jimin's heart , he dated jimin to get him on bed and once he got what he want , he threw Jimin off like trash. Jimin went through mental depression and it took him time to come out of that. He started dancing and that dance helped him not only to get his head out of depression but also got him scholarship in seoul university ))

(( Your love story was different , well atleast Jungkook noticed Jimin but Taehyung never noticed you .. ofcourse you werent of his class , not of his taste , not that much beautiful and no special talent to catch his eye so why would he notice. Its 2nd last year when Taehyung suddenly quit the school and left to america. He never completed his studies and ofcourse he dont need either. He is son of World's 5th richest man and his brother KIM SEOKJIN runs korea's top most company so he dont have to work hard to get job unlike you and jimin. ))

(( You never heared much about Taehyung since that day , only thing you heared is he got married and already has a child. Well ofcourse when he got married the news circulated like fire and u saw him many times on TV talking about his business plans and paparazzi always followed him like satellite everywhere and that's how you saw he has a son, very beautiful , just like taehyung ))

JIMIN : " Madam ? where you lost ? You know i was wondering that we both should go for vacation ? :) "

YOU : " Where ?! Spain ? Greece ? Germany ? :D "

JIMIN : " Nope.. saturn , mars, neptune :p "

YOU : " I woul prefer to go to venus then .. will you take me my jiminie :D "

JIMIN : " One day when i will earn , i promise i will take you to these planets ha ha "

(( With that you both started chilling when Jimin's friend KIM NAMJOON came and sat down with both of you. NAMJOON is what every girl doorls over in university but Namjoon is not interested in girls so he dont care. Namjoon and Jimin tried to date but they ended up horribly so they remain friends. Namjoon is studying music unlike Jimin who is studying dance and YOU STUDYING BUSINESS ))'

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