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---------------------------- PART - 1 -------------------------------

(( You walking like a free soul along side green bushes which cherrishing the sunlight and dancing with wind. Sky is witness of the rainfall about to start as dark clouds playing peek-ae-boo with sun ❤. Your soul trapped between earth and after life. You want to leave but something just don't let you go. It's like something is incomplete.. a story .. YOU !! You're incomplete.. You can't leave with incomplete story and in search of that peace your soul floating one place to another.. SOMEONE.. SOMEWHERE must be there to complete your broken soul, your incomplete story.. YOU !!!!!  💔 ))

(( You tired of this search, there is no one for you, you will forever be incomplete and with that thought you dancing around the wind, in pain, in hurt, in tears, in regret of not falling in love when you were alive and then you saw HIM.. ❤ ))

(( He was holding bundle of SEMRALDO 💐, and you walked to him, ofcourse he is human so he can't see you and you love SEMRALDO.. These flowers are the reason behind your smile and ALSO REASON BEHIND YOUR DEATH !!

You wanted to touch the soft petals of SEMRALDO 💐. Since your death, you forbidden to go near SEMRALDO as sign of curse is what those in after life said to you. You wanted to kiss those flowers, smell the fragrance, you want to make a crown of SEMRALDO and wear it but you can't do any of these due to curse.. You were about to turn when he said ))

BOY : " These are beautiful.. isn't  it ?! 💐 "

YOU : " You can see ME ?! 😯 "

BOY : " I can see you even with closed eyes ❤ "

(( You don't understand what he meant ?! Closed eyes ?! Why ?! How ?! So many questions and his grip on those flowers went tighter.. You looked in his eyes, it said lot of things but you couldn't figure out what ?! He looked like a dream, dream which is incomplete.. a story , an incomplete story. You tried to read his eyes and then he said ))

BOY : " The girl I loved.. she loved these flowers 💐 "

YOU : " She loved ?! She don't love these now ?"

BOY : " She does but she can't touch them.. she is forbidden 💔 "

YOU : " Just like me ?! You mean she is dead ?!"

BOY : " Yes !!! "

YOU : " How she died ?! "

BOY : " Why don't you ask her ?! "

(( With that THE BOY started walking through  green bushes and you followed him, deeper and deeper in the forest which leaded to an open grave, old grave.. surrounded with green long bushes and trees, it's so open and the aura of that place screams the pain of broken love & an incomplete story 💔 ))

YOU : " Where is she ?! "

BOY : " THERE !!! "

(( He pointed towards the grave and you walked over there just to see your reflection on splash of rain water which settled on your grave as if waiting for your arrival. The dark sky warning you the tears about to drop in form of rain in memory of your broken love. You looked back at him & saw him looking at You with smile.. "WHO IS HE ?! WHAT IS HIS NAME ?! IS HE THE ONE TO MAKE YOU COMPLETE ?!" is keep going in your mind and then he spoke ))



JIN : " Yes & now it's your time to go.. to kiss this life bye .. go to after life :) "

YOU : " But I am incomplete, my story is incomplete "

JIN : " No it's not, not anymore :) "

YOU : " HOW ?! "

(( JIN didn't answer but looked back at those SEMRALDO flowers 💐 with smile in his face, you can see the pain he tried to hide but it's like other world calling you, every second making your soul breaking in pieces, but without knowing about him, you can't leave.. ))


JIN : " WE WILL ❤ "

(( With that you walked away and started going to the another dimension where other life waiting for you. YOU whispered " KIM SEOKJIN" one last time and looked back at him, there were so many questions but he said " WE WILL" so when next time you both will meet, all these answers will be disclosed but for now, wave this life bye and also the boy infront of your eyes 💔 ))

(( For the one last time you turned to see JIN, to capture him in your memory so that you don't forget his face when you meet him again.. YOU WILL MEET.. RIGHT ?! & with that you closed your eyes and the image of JIN holding those SEMRALDO FLOWERS 💐 in middle of nowhere captured in your memory and in your heart.. & JIN just stood there holding those flowers and letting wind kiss his face telling him not to cry , his story already started.. stay strong .. JIN looked back at flowers.. those SMERALDO FLOWERS which started all of these 💐 ))



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