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*In a coffee shop *

You : *looking at the coffee with a emotionless face*

barista: Is something bothering you madam ?

You : *gasps*huh?

Barista : did I disturb you? I am so sorry

You ; no u did not...

Barista : are you OK?

You : I......

Barista : you can tell me I am good at keeping secrets

You : today.... .. You see my bf... *bits lips* dead son's death anniversary.

Barista : I am sorry... I should not force you.

You:....he died becz of me... 3 years ago I was going to be hit by a car... He.. Saved me * cry *if he was alive she would be around ur age

Barista : he loves you alot.. I can feel it. What is his name.?

You : *weeps ur tears * Jungkook...

Barista : *gasp *vehh!

You : is something wrong?

Barista : not really ur son and I have same name.

You : Really...

Barista : yes.. So can I call you mother..?

You : what? 😳😳

Barista : yes mother.. Even though u lost ur one child u get another.. So cheer up please.. I don't wanna see you like that.

You :You r a  kind boy

Barista : alright how about another cup of coffee ☕☕☕my treat 😊😊😋

You : sure....

Barista :

Barista :

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