Back Of The Car

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FRIEND : " I think there is someone backside in ur car  😕 "

YOU : " What do u mean ?! 😕 "

FRIEND : " I saw someone moving backside ?! Something whi.. white..  OH MY GOD what if its ghost ?! 😱 "

YOU : " Ghost ? in daylight ?! 😒 "

FRIEND : " yeah ghost, i didn't say vampire who can't come in daylight 😕 "

YOU : " Lets check then.. get out of the car 😒 "

FRIEND : " FUCK NO !! I am not dieing today. You go & check 😒 "

YOU : " too much for a BEST FRIEND .. asshole 😒"

FRIEND : " If you die, i am keeping this car 😜😜 "

YOU : " Fck off  😒"

*You steps out of your car & heads backside & saw a guy in white picking outta green bedsheet*



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