I Am Shameless

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YOONGI: You are coming, right?

Y/N: Of course. Why would you even ask? I am an ARMY too remember? Why would i miss going to a fansign?😑

YOONGI: Yeah forgot that

(You heard him chuckle. You and Yoongi were school friends. When you first got into BTS, unlike other peolpe, it was through lyric videos. It was once you saw the MVs that you realized that your school friend was a member of that group.)

YOONGI: So I'll see you there?

Y/N: Yup. Don't forget to put lots of makeup. I'm planning to take lots of pics. Might even make some memes out of those.

YOONGI: We'll see
(With that he hung up.)

--------------AT THE FANSIGN-------------------------

Friend: You go first.

Y/N: Okay.

(You and your friend had both reached the fansign. Yoongi didn't want to attract much attention to you to avoid controversies so he texted you a 'HI'. You looked at him and nodded.)

(The fansign went breezily. The members knew you well and you all chatted happily.  But even though you all were practically friends now your feelings towards them were more or less the same. Whenever you see them on stage doing something sexy or cute your heart flutters. You read fanfics too-fluff, angst...smut. AS you and your friends turn ended you both returned to your respective seats. There were still a lot of fans left so you settled down in your seat comfortably and opened up a fanfic in your phone. I was a...well... JIMIN smut.)

FRIEND: Fanfic again?

Y/N: Yeah

FRIEND: Don't tell me it's a smut again

Y/N: What? It's my fav genre.

FRIEND: Y/N, you are literally in the same hall as the members. Have some shame

Y/N: Nah. It's okay

FRIEND: And should I even mention that they are your friends now?

Y/N: Whatever I have not changed. I am still that obsessed trash i was since the start.

(Your friend just rolled her eyes and looked back at the members. You returned back to your fanfic


(You smiled stupidly and blushed. You smile could easily reveal what was going on inside your head)

FRIEND: I think you should see this

Y/N: What?

(You looked at the direction to which your friend was pointing and-)

Y/N: ...?!

Stay tuned

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