Car? Destiny? Or Love?

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------------ DESTINY -------------

《《 YOU in WINGS concert, flying TAEHYUNG's banner high when he is  performing STIGMA ✌. This is first time for you to see BTS in real life so you couldn't control your excitement & keep on screaming " Taehyung saranghae ❤ " , in a split second your eyes met TAEHYUNG's & whole world stopped for you .. ❤ . You were lost untill BTS waved good bye & concert is over 》》

GIRL NEXT YOU : " Hey!! Move will you ?! It's over..  "

YOU : " Oh yeah I am sorry its just I am so overwhelmed :) "

GIRL NEXT YOU : " First time ?! :) "

YOU : " Ye.. yeah !! ❤ "

GIRL NEXT YOU : " That's cute.. well do you need lift ?! My father picking up so he can drop you your home :) "

YOU : " No, its alright I will take bus. Thanks :) "

《《 You waved her good bye & started walking out of the venue & to cut your journey you decided to take dark alley so that you can get to road as early as possible , MEANWHILE in BTS dressing room 》》

MANAGER SEJIN : " Tae your car is here, here is the key .. drive safe ok :) "

JIMIN : " Tae you ain't coming with us ?! 😕 "

TAEHYUNG : " No JIMINI .. it's BAEKHYUN's birthday, if I don't go he will kill me 😂😂 "

NAMJOON : " Wish him happy birthday from us as well :) & ... "


NAMJOON : " yes exactly, Taehyung - ah don't drink, its unsafe to drink & drive :) "

《《 With nod Taehyung waved everyone good bye, walked out & entered in the car. Before entering in the car he saw you heading to dark alley which obviously heads to other side's road. ( & ofcourse he remmembered you, you the one cheering so high 😉 ) 》》

YOU : " It's so freaking dark & it started raining.. great.. I can't see a thing .. I should have fixed my phone's torch.. I am so stup... "

《《 someone pulled your waist and dragged you to wall 》》

STALKER : " Hey baby, shut up or else I will cut your throat here.. I don't wana destroy ur pretty face so let's play a game shall we.. "

YOU : " Take me home honey, i don't wana play here in dirty 😉 "

STALKER : " I didn't knew you will agree so easily, fine then.. let's go 😉 "

《《 The moment he released ur hand from his grip, u pulled out the pepper spray and sprayed all over his face & IT STARTED RAINING heavily 》》

YOU : " Ofcourse it has to rain NOW 😠 "

TAEHYUNG : " Why the fuck it started raining so heavily ?! "

《《 While u both in ur thoughts, TAEHYUNG's car hit your knee and you fell on face making your face covered with all dirt 》》

TAEHYUNG : " Shit !! I am dead if media know this .. I will be thrown out.. Omg 😢😢 "

YOU : " asshole where u looking at while driving u stupid head 😡😠 "

《《 TAEHYUNG got so scared that he wrapped his whole face with scarf & covered his eyes with Googles 》》

TAEHYUNG : " Listen I am sorry ok.. I am sort "

YOU : " Ofcourse idiot, u wearing googles in freaking 11 PM when its rainy.. 😡😠 "

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