----------- THAT STRANGER IN STREET OF PARIS ------------

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(( You are in paris, with your family as this is for first time your family won any big prize in lucky draw and it turned out trip to paris. You walking down the streets of paris and clicking photos, you busy in admiring french beauties and clicking photos of french historic monuments. Everything looked so beautiful but nothing looked as beautiful as HIM .. <3 ))

(( The nightfall started and you wanted to capture the beginning of evening in paris and while focussing your camera and through the lens, you saw him.. a guy in pink hoodie wearing a black jacket over his pink hoodie. Its like colour pink is made only for him, he graced that colour so beautifully. Nothing in paris looked as beautiful as compared to the beauty you seeing through your camera lens. He looked so innocent yet so manly. You captured him while he busy looking somewhere else and the moment you blinked, he walked away ))


----------------------- 10 PM -------------------

MOTHER : " Where were you ?! We have flight early morning , go to sleep"

YOU : " Maa please, can i take few photos of eifel tower please.. its just 10 minutes walk from hotel. I promise i will be back "

MOTHER : " ok , come quickly !! "

(( With that you jump hoped and went down the stairs and walked towards the eiffel tower. You reached eifel tower and started taking photos when u heared loud laugh and also laugh of 5-6 boys along side.. you started walking towards the direction of the laugh and then you saw its HIM.. that stranger you captured in your camera. He was cracking some jokes and others were laughing, you couldnt control so you laughed as well ))

(( All of their head turned towards you and you apologized and turned back.. Its embarassing like what if he thinks you stalking him. Crazy !! So you went back to your place near eifel tower and like that next day came and you left for ur destination. You wish you see him again and your wish god heared really quickly because the flight de-tour and landed in seoul instead of your country. Luckily your father knew someone in seoul and they helped you all to stay in their house for 3-4 days and the day of depature came ,  You couldnt find your camera .. the camera you captured that beautiful stranger in ))

FATHER : " You can buy another camera.. lets go ple.. "


MOTHER : " Then stay and search for it, when you done then get back and you will buy the ticket with your own pocket money , remmember that !! "

YOU : " FINE !!!! "

(( With more arguments finally your parents gave up and they left. The moment their flight left for their destination , you found the camera and screamed in happiness. You waved your uncle & aunty bye and thanked them for helping your family. With that you board the cab and on your way to airport , you meet with an accident.. accident by JIN'S  car ))

JUNGKOOK : " Hyung what if the person is dead ? Oh my god lets go !! "

JIN : " No kookie , we cant leave whoever in there.. i told you not to drive you idiot. "

TAE : " If that person die , hold only jungkook for responsible , i am not getting in this mess"

JIMIN : " You all are so selfish , lets go and help whoever in there first. Selfish idiots :/  "

(( With that all 4 got down from car and went to check both u and driver.. luckily both of you were alive but your whole body were covered with blood. And JIN picked you in his arms and other 3 helped the driver. They went directly to hospital and in no times doctor came and started the treatement ))

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