-------- ONE SPRING MORNING --------

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MOTHER : " Hope you will love this place , its kind of quiet and nature all around , good place for your photograpghy "

YOU : " Thanks maa for this trip , i will cheerish it :) "

MOTHER : " Travel safe ok and dont forget to keep eyes open , world is bad place . "

YOU : " Ha ha sure maa.. i love you so much :) "

FATHER : " Excuse me what about me ?, i am financing your trip ? "

YOU : " I love you too papa :) "

[[ With that you hugged your parents, picked your luggage and left for this trip in jeju island. Its quiet place as your mother said so you are excited to go there , relax and take some photos. Its been many years since your last trip , so its a nice and fresh way to take some days off from your classes. At 9 PM you reached to a cabin in woods , its beautiful , surrounded with nature. It looks peaceful and you clicked some photos. You wanted to see the sunrise early so you went to bed early as well. ]]

-------- MORNING 8 AM ---------

[[ You woke up and missed the sunrise, you banged your head on the pillow and with that room service lady entered. She was laughing at your frown expression. She said you can watch sunrise from other tiny island which is just 2 kilometers away from jeju next morning , from that place the sunrise looks so beautiful and you took every detail of the place as you made ur mind to watch it from there

Its beautiful spring morning and you grabbed your camera , started walking down the patio and focusing the lens to capture chirrping bird, beautiful nest , ripped mangoes hanging on the branch , beautiful flowers and then you saw HIM ... You saw him through your lens , he was leaned on the wodden platform and watching trees, your fingers automatically clicked his picture and with the sound of click , his eyes met your's ]]

HE : " HEYYY !!! Did you just clicked my photo ? "

YOU : " I am sorry , i was just taking pictures of the scenery and you came infront so i couldnt stop and took your pic. Hope you dont mind "

HE : " I wont but i want to see the photo.. can i ? "

[[ DIMPLES !!! DAMN THOSE DIMPLES !!! That keep replaying in your mind when he waved infront of your eyes and asked for camera and you apologised for staring at his dimples like fool and handed him your camera :) ]]

YOU : " I am sorry , your dimples are distracting "

HE : " Are you flirting with me ? ;) "

YOU : " What .. ? NO .. OH MY GOD !!! "

HE : " Relax , i am just kidding .. come lets sit down on this patio and see the photos "

[[ You both sat down and he introduced himself as "KIM NAMJOON" .. You being new to korea doesnt know much about koreans and its very difficult for you to tell which one is who as for you all of them looks alike (( not being racist )) . Struggle for every outsider when they meet anyone in korea, japan, china, malyasia.. for the first time .. see ]]

YOU : " So what you do ? "

NAMJOON : " I make music :) "

YOU : " Korean music ? sorry i am new to korea and .. "

NAMJOON : " I can say that .. so you dont know K-POP ? "

YOU : " What is K-POP ? "

NAMJOON : " No wonder you didnt recognise me !! "

YOU : " I am sorry , what ?! "

NAMJOON : " Nothing .. ha ha.. so what's ur plan for evening ? "

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