------- IS THAT KIM TAEHYUNG ? --------

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[[ You have massive dislike towards good looking boys or rich boys , ofcourse you had very bad experience in past and that made you dislike these rich brats so much ,not even for once you gave a thought that all boys arent same , all rich guys arent same.. they can be sweet and gentle too but nah!! you made up your mind to hate every rich boy you will come across. :( ]]

[[ Finally your high school is done and your college life starts , tbh you dont want to go to university , all you want is to work, earn some money and live ur life alone , u have no interest in getting married either and your parents too dont force u to get married because they knew u r rebel, u dont listen to them anyway so there is no point of dragging something which never going to happen, YOUR MARRIAGE !!! :/ ]]

[[ After getting rejected again and again from jobs where u want to work , u finally decided to go touniversity , ofcourse u aint getting job without degree.. why would any company pay u good ammount without degree :p . So you decided to enroll in university and u hated it because the university is full of rich brats , u comes from middle class family and ur standard of living is normal unlike these rich brats who thinks money is just a paper to waste .. and like that after 2 weeks you standing in university corridor to head for ur class. Your dressing is pretty normal , black jeans , a white top, black cap you wearing backside, a black choker & black and white sneekers.. your face showing "I WOULD RATHER DIE INSTEAD OF STUDYING HERE  " expression .. and ofcourse ur peircings in each ear, almost 6 piercings in each ear, one lip pearcing and 1 nose piercing makes you look badass ;) ]]

[[ You werent like this before, you got used , physically, mentally and emotionally by someone before , u forced to abort the child when u were just 14 years old, it was illegal in so many level , he said he loved u , you believed because u were just 13 back then , he used ur body for a year and one day he left u after he found out u r useless now , u r pregnant. You cried for a week , begged him to stay with you, you loved kids but when ur parents found out , they aborted the kid and almost disowned you :( .. It was not even 2 days after ur break up when u saw his social media flooding with his and his new girlfriend's pics , partying somewhere in AUSTRALIA , GERMANY .. SPAIN .. ?! God knows how many places.. yes that night you killed the innocent you and shut the door of ur heart so loud that no one dare to knock on it again , NO ONE.. but still someone did .. SOMEONE .. KIM TAEHYUNG <3 ]]

[[ It was 9 AM and u standing on university corridor and someone tapped on ur shoulder, actually TWO BOYS !! You turned back and they greeted you and introduced themselves as PARK JIMIN & JUNG HOSEOK , yes they were rich kids but the innocence and sincerity in their speech and on their face makes u not to hate and judge them :) ]]

JIMIN : " Hello , i see you are junior here , we both are dance major and this our last year , so which makes us ur .. "

YOU : " SENIOR :) !! Hello .. :) "

HOSEOK : " Actually you standing infront od our dance studio , we both were practicing inside when we saw you , you searching for something we think , u standing here since last 20 minutes with clueless expression ha ha :) "

YOU : " Actually i dont know which way is my class , so :( "

JIMIN : " What's your major .. ?! "

YOU : " Nothing special , just normal .. accounts :/ "

JIMIN : " Why you think its not special ,accounts related to banking , money and MONEY IS MOST IMPORTANT THING , isnt it :) "

[[ You really liked these two boys, they are really sweet and then someone from back came .. A VERY GOOD LOOKING MAN who came, grabbed JIMIN by hair and crashed his lips on Jimin's , you hate romantic stuffs but damn this is so <3 ]]

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