------------- DO YOU REMMEMBER OUR LOVE ----------------

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(( WHERE IS KIM TAEHYUNG ?! is the one and only sentence your lips keeps screaming , your voice blooming in hospital and shaking the walls. You are in this state because your husband has an accident and ofcourse your love for your husband " Taehyung "  is more stronger than anything so the thought of lossing him scaring you to death 💔))

NURSE : " Mam please calm down , have some wat.. "


NURSE : " Mam he is in I.C.U and you have to wait as doctor asked no one to go there , operation is serio.. MAM !!! "

(( Before she finish , you ran towards I.C.U , there is no way you leaving your husband alone in such state. You tried to reach when other hospital staffs stopped you just outside glass door 💔💔 ))

YOU : " Please let me go inside, my taehyung is in pain , please .. he is in pain "

(( Ofcourse hospital staff cant let you go , they cant disobey their doctor but watching you in such state melting their heart so they let you inside but not to go near the operation theather. ))

(( You and Taehyung living in NORWAY so ofcourse family and friends cant come so soon. They took the flight for norway from korea but still they cant reach so quick ))

(( Your tears wont stop falling , the thought of lossing Taheyung forever is shaking you and breaking you. You shaking in fear when suddenly doctor came out of the theather and was shocked to see you there outside. ))

(( Doctor could have said lot of things in anger but he felt pity on your condition and asked you to wear saftey dress before you see Taehyung as Tae is still fresh from operation and infection may cause damage 😢))

----------------- AFTER 3 HOURS ------------------

YOU : " So he is ok , right ?! I mean he will be fine .. right ? "

DOCTOR : " Yes  MRS. TAEHYUNG , your husband will be fine but the accident was major , we dont see much serious head injury but still .. "

YOU : " STILL WHAT ?! 😥"

DOCTOR : " We have to wait till morning , lets see what morning brings for us. Please take rest now.. MRS. TAEHYUNG .. LISTEN !!! "

(( You didnt let doctor finish what he tried to say and you walked inside the room where Tae shifted. You held his hand and hoped he get well soon and wake up but when he woke up .. IT IS ALL DIFFERENT STORY ))

----------------------- MORNING ---------------------------

TAE : " Sorry , mam who are you ? "

YOU : " ........ "

TAE : " where am i... what happened to me ? "

YOU : " Tae , you dont remmember me ? Taehyung i am your wife 💜"


YOU : " Yes taehyung. How are you feeling ? "


(( You laughed , ofcourse taehyung is so taehyung. But then your smile faded when you realised Tae's memory .. did he lost his memory ?! and with that doctor entered ))

DOCTOR : " How are you feeling MR. KIM ?! "

TAE : " I am feeling good , i mean my head feels heavy "

(( Doctor asked you to wait outside with your other family members who finally arrived. You waiting for doctor to tell you what happened with Tae and then what doctor said , shaked you to core ))

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