----------- JIMINI APPA ------------

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[[ YOU are tired of your 6 months old child who keeps crying constantly😥 , you wanted to call JIMIN's mother for help as JIMIN is in USA for another BTS schedule. YOU are helpless and your 6 months old child just keep crying .. EXPRIENCE OF NEW MOTHER !!! 🧡🧡 ]]

[[ ------ 10 AM ------- ]]

[[ YOU are constantly trying to calm your child and after 5 hours your child slept in peace. YOU wanted to take nap but then your phone rang and after a whole 24 hours mess, a smile knocked on your face because the call is from your HUSBAND " PARK JIMIN " :) ]]

JIMIN : " Hey honey ! :) "

YOU : " Hey minnie :) "

JIMIN : " YOU sounds tired , are you alright :) "

YOU : " Yes , our child keeps crying constantly whole night :( "

JIMIN : " I told you to call eomma, i am sorry i cant be there for you at this time :( "

YOU : " Its alright baby , we will manage , your schedule is important too :) "

JIMIN : " I wish i could take care of you and our child, i am sorry i had to leave :( "

YOU : " Stop saying sorry , your hyungs are also important part of ur life just like me and our child , they needs you :) "

JIMIN : " you are so understanding and this reminds me why i fell in love with you at first place :) "

YOU : " & I love you too.. eat lot , take care of all of them and specially that little devil jungkookie .. i made waffles for him "

JIMIN : " ha ha , if he knew you did then he will fly down to seoul to eat all waffles :) "

YOU : " well he is always welcome and all other of your hyungs .. & yes i brought that GUCCI shirt for tae tae , i thought he will look amazing in that .. "

JIMIN : " Ofcourse he will love anything related to GUCCI .. ha ha :D "

YOU : " Stop teasing him ... "

JIMIN : " Which colour you brought ?! "

YOU : " White .. & before you ask, yes i brought a white hoodie and some white turtle necks for everyone and specially for jungkook .. "

JIMIN : " ha ha .. and what about me ? "

YOU : " Didnt i gave you a child .. ? isnt that enough .. "

JIMIN : " you blessed me .. :) "

[[ & with that your child woke up from sleep.. AGAIN!! ]]

YOU : " here we go again ... "

JIMIN : " i am doing video call.. "

[[ & with that JIMIN did video call ]]

YOU : " Honey !! "

JIMIN : " Show our child .. "

[[ YOU took the phone and placed infront of your 6 months old baby .. ]]

YOU : " aigo baby look apppaaaaa... "

KID : " .... "

JIMIN : " Aiiiii my little angel see here appppaaaa.. "

[[ Your child stopped crying when he saw JIMIN on video call and started giggling .. ]]

YOU : " seee.. apppaaaa "

JIMIN : " Honey lower the phone a little .. "

[[ You lowered the phone ]]

YOU : " aiggooo baby see appppaaaa is looking at you .. "

KID : " :) "


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