---------sassy Boy---------

18 2 0

MOTHER : " excited to go to new school ?! :) "

YOU : " Excited ?! for what ?! You could have just let me study at my old school but nah , u decided to bring me here to ruin my life 😠😠"

MOTHER : " Your father got transffered , what can i do ?! stop making faces now , do ur breakfast and leave for school 😏"

YOU : " What's so special about this school ?! another boring place to destroy my happiness .. 😏"

[[ After 45 minutes of drama , you reached school.. YOU walking down when someone crashed on you .. ]]

HOSEOK : " I am so.. sorry <3 "

[[ YOU probably would have killed him but his smile was brighter than sun and melted your heart and you thought may be this school isnt bad untill you saw HIM ]]

YOU : " Wtf who is he ?! "

[[ YOU saw a guy walking near you with no manners , he kicking and punching stones and bullying while walking towards building ]]

HOSOEK : " HE ?! Jungkookie ;) "

YOU : " What kind of name is that ?! "

HOSOEK : " ha ha .. he is like that .. he is sassy and fun lov.. "

[[ While hoseok speaking , you turned your head to look at Jungkook ]]

YOU : " wtf weirdo 😏😏 "


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