Who Are You 2 Me

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(( love has various form which is why we always get confused by it.... But true love always has its own way to show us what right? ))

Koel : I am so excited  *in phone *

Jewel : .*on the other side of the phone * But do you think it's a good idea? I mean he was out for 10 years... And u r entering without his permission...

Koel : it's fine I am just making breakfast.. I am sure my long lost best friend will not mind it..

Jewel : Koel... R u sure u r not in love with him?

Koel : I.. I.. Don't think so.. Maybe I am maybe I am not.. *giggles*

Jewel : you r hopeless...

Koel : yah yah I am... Talk to you later *hang up*

(( Koel went to the kitchen... And started to prepare the breakfast.. Sudden she could heard sounds like moans from the bedroom.. Koel was curious so she decided to check in and see if she was shocked to see her best friend was laying with a girl naked

Koel was shocked and surprised to see this... Her sweet little friend has a GF? It was supposed to be a good news but then why.. She was feeling pain in her chest..))

Koel : *returns to the kitchen * OK now thats was something.

Female voice : looks like u enjoy the scene

Koel : *turns* huh?

Female  : don't you think it's a little disrespectful to enter someone else's house and private moments

Koel : I didn't mean it?

Female  : why the heck ur here anyway?

Koel : I just came to visit my childhood friend I mean ur bf and to make him breakfast as a surprise....he returned from London .

Female : great I guess ur visit and surprise is done now u  can go.

(( that girl were really pissed Koel off..))

Koel : who the hell r u to tell me that,!

Female : excuse me! How dare you talk back to me!

((before Koel could answer her friend entered into the scene))

Koel 's friend : what happened sweety... *notices you* Koel.. What r you doing here? 

Koel :  I came here to visit u and to make breakfast to u like old days..

GF : babe... She said harsh things to me *whining *

Koel : seriously!

GF : she said she don't want me around u now that she arrived.

Koel's friend : u really Said that

Koel : Ofc - n-

Koel 's friend : I never thought that  u...

Koel : seriously! u r believe her instead of ur childhood friend..

Koel' s friend : I didn't mean it -

Koel : then what the hell did u mean! U knw what it was my fault that I thought things r same between us even though we were away from each other... LIFE A HAPPY LIFE!

(( Koel left the place with tears in her eyes.. Beczz even though for a little she was in love with him.... And she found it to painful too bear))

*in park *
Koel : what I did wrong! To deserve it!

((her voice had more angry then tears .. She didn't know how to she should be feeling))

??? : excuse me?

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