You Are My Lover

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Jungkook /me : *crying * how could you?! I though u loved me...

Jimin : sweety baby... Listen to me

Jungkook /me : let me go.... I had enough of you...

Jimin : please don't!!! * tries to hold Jungkook's hand*

(( 5 years ago))

((Jungkook / me : 16 years))

(( Jungkook opened her eyes and notice how many comment she got in her Fb page ))

((I know you all r curious Jungkook and she?? Must be printing mistake.. Well nope Jungkook@00 is my user. So why a boy's name simple.. I hate I am almost like boy 😅😅😅.. I hope u getting my point...but there is a reason for that to be happened

Anyway I am ff writer.. In my Fb page.. I post fanfiction about guy guy love.. Comon.. Love has no shape... And why Jungkook... He is my idol Ofc bts kpop.. I wanted to be like him.. And be together with my female version of jimin.. Oops one more thing I am lb myself.... No shame in admitting.. Enough talk let's begin my weird love story))

*in my Fb page *

Fan 1 : I loved ur work

Fan 2: Omg gay rocks

Fan 3: ur story thrust r awesome

(( I was scrolling my fan's comments in my page with a big smile when..))

Comment 1: u sucks

Comment 2: jimin@93 is better then you as a boy .

Comment 3: stop writing!! U loser.

Jungkook /me : who is this jimin?

((I searched the Fb and found him... Jimin@93.. He was a ff writer just like me...))

Jungkook /me : * thinking *Geez I hate people comparing writter..

* 2 weeks later *

(( I was thinking about my next storyline suddenly my phone vibrated.. It was that jimin commenting on my story...))

Jimin@93 : I loved ur work.. Let's be friends.

Jungkook /me : *thinking *friends my foot.. He is my rival...

(( yet it was no harm to talk with me him... So I decided to pm him))

Jungkook : hey?

Jimin : hi? 👋👋I never thought..

Jungkook :.. Me 2

Jimin : how r u baby?

Jungkook : excuse?

Jimin : sorry I just got excited to talk with someone named Jungkook.. What's ur really age?

Jungkook : sorry but I like to things private...

((what a wired guy this jimin is... I really happy I hate boys...))

Jimin : have u read my work?

Jungkook : I did.. It's nice..

Jimin : really I am so happy...

Jungkook : u know u r odd...

Jimin : I got that compliment alot..

Jungkook :🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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