Happy Birthday

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(( hello my name is Disha Dutta I am a simple person like u all.. But there was something about me which helped me 2 connect with my love.... What was it? Let's find out))

(( me : 10 years old))

Me : where am I?

(( it was a white room.. And I was alone))

Me : Hello? Is anybody here?.

(( suddenly I heard a voice))

??? : who r u?

Me : my name is Disha.. Where am I?

??? : I am sorry I dont know myself..

Me : where r u?

??? : in front of you.. Close ur eyes and u can see me..

(( I did as I was told and a boy appear in front of me he was older then me arround 5 years))

Me : Hello?

??? : Hello kiddo

Me : don't call me that.

??? : sorry it just u r cute...

Me : 😶😶😶😶😣😣😣😣

??? : my name is Suga

Me : Disha Dutta

Suga : what is ur dream?

Me : I wanna be a painter.. You?

Suga : wanna be a actor..

Me : cool.. * looks sad*

Suga : what's wrong?

Me : I don't think I can be a painter.. I am not good at painting..

Suga : what ur heart wanted?

Me :my heart? A painter

Suga : then follow ur hearts voice.. U will achieve ur dream I am sure..

Me : really?

(( and we talked and talked))

Suga : when is ur birthday?

Me : today..

Suga : how about a song as a gift from me * starts to sing birthday song in Korea *

(( it was a amazing song although I didn't understand the meaning .. My heart was touched))

Me : Ne ne? Suga?

Yoongi : oppa

Me : oppa?

Yoongi :I am older then u.

Me : fine 😑😑😑suga oppa? Let's promise that we will meet again in the future..

Suga : how?

Me : just promise!

Suga : promise.. But how am I supposed to know how u will look?

Me : that Wil be easy I wi-

(( and my mom woke me up.. I yelled at her for breaking my conversation .. And she laughed and told me that was a dream..... My imagination

It was a dream alright but why it felt so real))

* after 10 years later *

*in airport *

MOM : I am against it.

Me : mom please this is a great platform for me..

MOM : still its Korea..

Me : I Wil be just fine.

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