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《《 Your eyes are tired enough to make u sleep to death but you can't sleep 😪, your body just searching for a comfortable mattress but u can't have that & now you are sitting between PARK JIMIN & MIN YOONGI in black car which is heading towards airport & all u can do is wait till u get out of the car 😪😪 》》

JIMIN : " Too tired kid ?! :) "

YOU : " Oppaaaaa ~~~~~ 😪😪 "

JIMIN : " Come sleep in my arms :) "

《《 & that's all u needed , PARK JIMIN's comfortable touch.. he snaked his arms around ur waist and u sleeped the moment ur head fell on his shoulder. Ofcourse totally unaware of MIN YOONGI slept on your shoulder.. as usual 😂😂 》》

《《 Its new for a KPOP group to have 6 BOYS & 1 GIRL , it was risky but the moment BTS debuted with 6 BOYS & 1 GIRL group.. it went instant success ❤ 》》

《《 Car arrived in airport and before you come out, NAMJOON held your right hand and JIN held your left hand as if you are 2 years old. Flashes everywhere & as u just wake up from sleep you didn't notice much except HIM ❤  》》

《《 Your eyes followed a guy wearing TIMBERLAND SHOES, covered with black mask and black hoodie. Blue torn out jeans & his aura showing his bad boy image. He constantly taking your photos like its only YOU & HIM there .. & then TAEHYUNG's eyes followed the way you were looking at.. 》》

TAEHYUNG : " security please take that guy away.. he is taking way too many pics 😒 "

《《 YOU shocked and so as that guy in TIMBERLAND SHOES .. before u say anything TAE drag you inside for security check .. YOU keep watching what's happening and then you saw him fighting with your security & kicking punching them . It was enough for u to not like him & u felt disgusted and left 》》

YOU : " What a brat 😡😠

TAEHYUNG : " I know.. these kind of guys turns into stalker 😒 "

《《 & like that TAEHYUNG went on to say so many things which didn't settle well with you so you tried to sneak out and see if he is still there and u saw him kicking a stone in frustration .. & it was like telepathy,  he looked at you and your eyes met his black doe eyes ❤ 》》

YOU : " ..... "

JUNGKOOK : " ... "

《《 & then JIMIN came from behind and catch you both looking at each other as if THE GUY IN TIMBERLAND don't wana give up and u don't wana loose this staring contest ❤ 》》

JIMIN : " Lets go kid  :) "

YOU : " Oppaaa .. I "

JIMIN : " Don't say anything .. let's go :) "

《《 Well your relation with JIMIN is something can't describe in words. JIMIN saw you in his school performing contemporary and recommended BigHit to keep track without knowing you took contemporary after watching JIMIN perform in that same school when he was 10 & u were 5 :)  》》

《《 JIMIN isn't your brother.. NOPE !!! & so does other 5 BTS MEMBERS.. they are your well wisher, a soulmate who connects with heart but not brother. They loves u more than they loves themselves but still ur relation with them is no where brother sister.. it was decided since beginning ❤ 》》

YOONGI : " So.. do you need anything  ?! :) "

JIN : " Yoongi-ah she already stuffed her bag with donuts and cakes.. she isn't eating more. That's it 😒 "

HOSEOK : " Aigoooo ~~~ I brought this chocolate pastry for her so who is going to eat now :( "

TAEHYUNG : " Ofcourse me.. ❤ "

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