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YOU : "Mummy did u invite everyone in my birthday ?! :) "

MOTHER : "Ofcourse, everyone from our building, my friends, ur father's friends, ur school friends, teachers everyone 😊"

YOU : "Everyone from our building :) , u mean MR. MIN ❤ too ?! "

MOTHER : " Who.. ?! "

YOU : " MR. MIN the one who lives below us :( "

MOTHER : "You talked to HIM ?! 😡😠 How dare you ?! He is a gangster, all he does picks fights , get drunk and create mess in society. He is some mafia 😡😠"

YOU : "That's not fair 😡, u cant judge him like that mummy, u dont even know him 😢"

MOTHER : "Oh really ?! U know him ?! He is always drunk & always picks fights. He is mafia, everyone knows. Just because he is good looking that doesn't mean he has good heart 😡"

YOU : "You're hypocrite mummy, just because he is drunk and he picks fight that doesnt mean he is bad person or has bad heart 😡😠, i am going to take this cake to him. Its my birthday 😡😠"


YOU : "Stop me if u can.. & here is fun fact mummy,I LOVE HIM ❤, so bye 😡😠"

MOTHER : " .... "

YOU : " ..... "

MOTHER : " . Wh.. what ?! "

*YOU grabbed the cake and walked past ur mom, shut the door and went down the stairs knocking MR. MIN's door"


YOU : "MR. MIN.. ?! 😢"

YOONGI : "Why are u here kid ?! 😒

*Yoongi started tripping*

YOU : "It's my birthday,  I brought cake for u ❤"

YOONGI : "... "

YOU : "MR. MIN can i help u to stand ?! :( "


YOU : "MR. MIN can u stan.. stand ?! you look hur.. hurt 😢 "


Stay tuned

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