-------- CAN I CALL YOU DADDY --------

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[[ Jungkook's fingers were interlocked with your's , his chest harshly rubbing your breast with every thrust, with every thrust he bites your ear and kissing your neck 💖💖]]

JUNGKOOK : " Why you taste so fucking good .. i cant stop tasting you , i am going to wreck you 😍😍"

YOU : " Jungk.. OUCH !!! "

JUNGKOOK : " Call me what you called me for first time when we met ;) "

YOU : " DA.. DADDY !!!! "

[[ You met Jungkook 5 years back in a BTS fansign event <3 , his eyes caught you and your eyes caught him staring at you , Jungkook always kind of shy but it was something about you that caught his attention and his flirting skyrocketed when it was your turn ;)

YOU : " You're my bias <3 "

JUNGKOOK : " I am honoured and also thank you ;) "

YOU : " Why you thanking me ?! :o "

JUNGKOOK : " That you choosed me over other hyungs ;) "

YOU : " So then i must say , you're really lucky ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " Do u know everything about me ?! ;) "

YOU : " Yes ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " Do you know i can see future ;) "

YOU : " REALLY ?! :o "

JUNGKOOK : " I can see your future , you wana know ? ;) "

YOU : " That's so cliche jungkook , so cheesy flirting ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " I am serious <3 "

YOU : " Oh really ?! Then tell me what can u see ;) ? "

JUNGKOOK : " I see your future name ;) "

YOU : " Really ?! what is it ? :) "

JUNGKOOK : " Come close "

YOU : " Tell me now :) "


YOU : " .... " ]]

[[ With that Jungkook gave you smirk , and you were shocked like wow kookie flirting with you <3 . You went back on ur seat and saw Jungkook keep looking at you and u almost wished to sink down in earth crust ;) ]]

[[ While Jungkook was busy looking at you , suddenly someone called Jungkook 'Oppa'  and jungkook turned his head towards the direction that girl screamed "JUNGKOOK OPPA" :p

JUNGKOOK : " Oppa.. ?! are you sure i am your oppa ? "

GIRL : " Jungkook Opppppaaaa :D "

JUNGKOOK : " Next time onwards all ARMYS bringing their ID cards , i am not trusting you 😏😏"

GIRL : " So what should we call you Jungkook oppa :D "

JUNGKOOK : " Call me something else , dont call me oppa"

GIRL : " Then you suggest us , what should we call u ;) "

JUNGKOOK : " CALL ME ..... "



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