--------------Love Under Darkness--------------

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Part 1

(( you are the world lame person... You lost ur parents at a young who died in order to save you. .. U being abuse by ur pervert uncle.. Every night he touches you and forces you 2 sucka his ******.. When you were a kid u did it becz u thought it was a game and as u started to grow up u realized the reality and started to protest.. But it was 2 late

He already took ur purity from you...... U were still fine becz in school u thought u found ur true love but in end he dumb u becz of ur BFF......

U hates mankind))

* 10 Years later*

(( you are working with crops for 10 years.. U r the smart beautiful independent lady now who like justice more then anything.
You r the head of ur department.. And right now u r in search of a drug gang who sell drugs illegal

Name : redmoon
Members : 5
Leader : RM (codename)

According to ur messager today is going to be a greatest drug deal of all history.. In DNA pub

You and ur men are under position. U dress like a waitress))

You : every one in position.. Dance horse? Sleepy rapper?

Dance house ( j-hope) : in position

Sleepy Rapper (suga) : *yawn* what ever I wanna go home.

You : 😑😑😑😑 seriously?!

(( everything was set.. The deal was supposed to be happend around 12 AM u check ur watch its 11:59 PM.. U alert ur men

As the clock tick 12.... 5 man in black enters the pub.. They all were handsome.. But in ur eyes man = monster but u notice one of them with orange goes to bathroom others goes to the table ))

You : * in radio* on my signal.. Ready.. 1...2...3 * fire ur gun in air *

((as u do it every one in pub starts to run in fear.. Those 4 men leave as well using the crowd but u order ur men to go after them and goes to the  man's washroom holding ur gun

As u enters in the room u notice Noone is there.. Suddenly you feel some push to the wall.. It is that orange hair guy))

He: you r beautiful just like rose * holds ur both hand *

You : Don't forget beautiful things like rose can be dangerous * tries to free ur self or tries to hit him*

He : feisty & savage nice u r my type * starts to suck ur neck *

You: stop... Don't...

(( even though u r brave but when ever a man touchs u... U always find it terrible becz of ur past plus u can clearly feel his ***** is in touch with ur body ))

You : * body shaking in fear*please don't... I am scared

He: * shocks & stops *

You : *  collapses becz of fear but caught by his arms*

He: easy there.. Dont be in hurry.. I will make you mine

(( he takes you to his car and lay you in the back seat))

You : * murmurs while sleeping * u moron. Man r dangerous. Don't trust "man"kind

He: you r interesting *looks at you*

He :

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